Saturday, March 21, 2020

...aloe vera...

...picked up a couple leaves of aloe vera, which means two long heavy sword like pieces that can be used as a weapon with their jagged edges...

...bought it to make a medicinal grade food for my dad, who is having gastric issues...

...aloe appears in the ancient egyptian medical text - ebers papyrus...

...aloe contains strong anti-inflammatory qualities, and are anti-bacterial... thus it acts as a strong dental agent... in comparisons with toothpaste gel it has been deemed as effective...

...aloe has wound healing properties that can be used both topically as well as internally, for conditions like ulcers...

...i'm conjecturing that due to its coating and cooling property that we can observe... it is anti-inflammatory and protective.. .thus it would have this impact on all membranous parts of our bodies... whether its skin, or cell membrane or the neurons... 

...rose quartz...

...ali... the grandson fo the prophet wore four gemstones on his fingers... although the emphasis of islam is on bowing to no one thing or component part - whether it be a statute or a person or a single tree... and instead staying focused on the 1ness... there is still great reverence for the Creation in its multitude...

...we see the reverence of the stone not just in ali... but also in the omnipotence of the blackstone in mecca...

...stones carry a frequency... a vibration... some are medicine for some and poison for others... so it's important to be aware of the stones you adorn...

...stones also assimilate energy and transform... the question to ask is to what...

...what stone then is right for you?... this will depend on your constitution... and imbalance... vedic astrology gems represent the planets... for instance... amehtyst holds energetics of saturn... and thus it invites the energy of saturn into your life...

...thinking of stones in this way is enriching... because it ties us into the cosmos...

...rose quartz is used for compassion... it is feminine... it holds dear the traits of sensitivity... love... romance... it prioritizes relationships... our intimacy... and connects us with our heart... 

Friday, March 13, 2020

...full super worm moon march 2020...

...intentions... this month... started with a half step... started in the space of doubt... self-doubt... panic... fear... ungrounded at that knowing i've done it before... fasted... for years... and yet it comes up... not today... it'll be too much... but it doesn't feel right when i don't... and it feels great... not eating... just drinking liquids... so i know it is a mind thing... i know that it is psychosomatic... and so i partially gave in... doing a partial fast for one day... and then a full fast the following day... a departure from the usual...

...the departure didn't grow in risk... which i'm reminded of here... in a cafe... just like i was in montreal... in madrid... in goa... sipping... being here instead of a class... instead of a community struggle... alone... reclused... immersed in writings that i do nothing with...  of ocurse there doesn't have to be a product... of course... the Light...

...years in cafes... which make sense if there was a share component... why isn't there?... how do i get this out to you?... how have others done it...?...

...start with what is doable... what you can get out... start with a clear aim... aim is to get this work of short stories published... why?... because... to be in conversation with you and you and you... to be in dialogue with history... to be part of the shape... the change... the growth... the Love Supreme... because i was inspired to write this... so it can't be about me...

this month... last month... end of the world scenarios... now that its ending... what?... enjoy company... each other... Love... Lovers... make Love... say it... give... Be... sacrifice...

...last month... aim shoot... this month... this month... upon reflection... what i learned is that aim shoot has to be active... a doing... a 99% practice... like todays yoga practice... had clear aims... meaning a moment to moment... a thing to thing... a one thing to another thing... aim and shoot...

...ashtanga... tertiary... quartenary... completing intermediate... and finessing poses in primary... have been a goal... but often this is a b.g. thought... an intention... not always with clear and actionable steps that i take...

...but i have been recently with my matless mat... stepping with an aim... tratasana... supta trivikramasana... reclining splits... dwi pada viparita dandasana... super soldier... bhuja vinyasa... aimed and shot... and fell... and shot... and missed... and shot again...

...doing this with my writing... starting with a time commitment... with the fiction... the short stories... been aiming for 1 hour of uninterrupted revising... aiming for three hours a day...

...aim in medicine making is to share plant medicine... to deepen my connection to the plant medicine but also to share... to help my aunties... ammu and abbu... a medicine kit... that includes hygeine that is not anti- but pro-... that isn't taxing of resources but complements... that is grounded in ethics - local/seasonal/0 waste... to hold community classes... yoga... ayurveda... writing...

...aim in culinary arts is to make vegan cakes using the residue of pulp...

...aiming and shooting... what's your aim?... how are you practicing daily...?...

...this virus reminds us to stay humble... to take risks... that ALLAH Knows best... and what will happen will happen... so stop clutching for safety... for caution... doing things out of fear... as you may be worrying even now... what will happen if i lose my job?... it would be a Gift... an opp to step your game up... to Reach Higher... to do exactly what it is you would want to be doing in regards to Purpose... what would You be doing?... what is Your Purpose...?... not the reckless do you that the media promotes in our modern world... but the Real You... why Are You here...?... if You want to Know how you may discover this... consider what inspires You... what makes You feel Your Highest...?... and then share this... Reach... let go... stop pinching the dollars and cents... the weekly paychecks... the familiarity... dive... into Purpose...