Friday, March 30, 2018

full moon, march 31st 2018: cultivating urgency

...what does it mean to operate from a place of urgency? what is urgent to you?

...last summer i got into a car crash...was living in farm country outside ithaca, ny... just a few days into this new residence... there was no public transport where i was, except a bus half a mile away, that temperamentally ran once every 4-6 hours, meaning twice a day... and so... i needed a way to getting a vehicle became urgent... and it took over my life...

...i spent the next few days researching cars, responding to ads on craiglists, and realized, from where i was at, i needed a car to look at other i went back to nyc, as i could be a pedestrian and look... and got a car... and it was a lemon...  i was then met with the urgency of getting it fixed... and found out it wasn't repairable... and this led to more car related urgency...

...when do you find yourself experiencing urgency? for me, it is during times of pressure, of external pressures, of needing to get something done because or else... like paying rent... or finding a place to keep my things while my housing situation stabilizes, or mending things with a friend, family member after having an injurious quarrel, one that leaves my heart hurt and heavy, and needing resolve...

...what are the ingredients of urgency?... there is an or else about it... i need to do this or else... i.e. pay the bills, resolve a conflict with a loved one, get a car or be stranded, put a bandaid on my bleeding finger or be drained of blood, complete a class, or get an F and lose the $$$ i spent on it... what other ingredients are there? high stakes... if i didn't get the car replaced/repaired, i would be stuck in the boonies with a couple of strangers, without phone service and outside communication... i would get infected and have to go to the hospital and pay thousands because i don't have insurance... i would lose all the money i spent on that class, and drop out... etc... what else to urgency?... circumstantial ... i didn't choose the car situation... it happened to me... and i was left with no choice but to act on it... my finger was sliced by the razor sharpness of the knife i was using, and the bleeding intense... i already paid for the class, had deadlines, was reprimanded by professors, did poorly on a couple assignments, and had little wiggle room to mess up... i kept my feelings in, and then it came out in the way it did, and the impact made our relation fragile, and i needed to do something to reconcile or risk losing you... the rent would double if i didn't pay it by... the ingredients to urgency are: do it or else (consequence), and these consequences are high stakes, causing great pressure, and are a result of a un expected circumstance... do you create urgency towards your Purpose?... afterall, there are things, passion projects, aspirations you have, but they aren't getting done... why?... perhaps you are missing the circumstance that will create the high stakes pressure to work like mad towards it or else...

...perhaps you aren't working on this aspiration because what you are doing isn't real urgent... how do you determine what is urgent for your Purpose?...

...the test, i believe, is this - dystopian-ism plays a role ...if you knew that everything was going to end for you in this human form in one lunar month... between now and the next full moon... in the next 28... and you knew that there was something you could do to leave the world a little better than you found it (and that is based on my understanding of the words of prophets and prophecy -that our Purpose is to compassionately and fearlessly serve the Creation)... what would that something be?

...for me... the offering i have... that is most important... that is more important than my name, and leaving a name behind... but is essential to help humanity... is to support us in really, truly, meaningfully, being interdependent, being community, from a place of Love, and not a place of othering... of moving past nationalisms, and separation, and hedonism, and over-attachment to sensation and the sensory world, and instead ground deeply in roots culture, which is inherently universal, and beyond race, and nationality, and identity politics, and otherizing, and instead exercising the inner compass of spirituality and Love from a place of discipline, of beyond feel-goodness of a moment, one that is aligned with Laws of the Universe, that grows us towards our individual Purpose only towards growing deeper in our commitments to one another... of being in a state of Love... more than complacency... more than finding the easy way... but finding ease in the struggle towards greatness, towards possibility, of going deeper... much deeper...

...ashtanga does this for me... but what would make it urgent for me? writing does this for me... but what would make it urgent?... cooking does this for me, but what would make it urgent? ... being a medicine man does this for me... but what would make it urgent?... being a Lover does this for me, but what would make it urgent?...

...the Lover is the totem i most identify with - the one who is playful, unconditional in Love, acknowledging, listening, deeply present and working from a place of pure devotion, of working diligently, of being in service, in a place of collaboration because community is everything... play with ashtanga in a space of community... being vulnerable, allowing yourself to fall, while working towards the growth... taking community classes...

...cook with others for supporting an end to war, to ending the war on earth, on water, on the sky, on ourselves, on each other... through cooking from high vibrations - non-ego, in collaboration with farmers, and mothers, and respecting the land...

...write in collaboration, in dialogue, towards communication with community... through writing in a space of community - a magazine that upholds community, earth, religion and spirituality... publish to have dialogue... use your pseudonym/s to avoid ego... cultivate this kit because it is collaborative, community, towards the deeper goal...

...make medicine together... to heal, to be interdependent, to be liberated from the death-pitals... to support self Love, to move away from technocrats... and personalities...

...flirt with your projects, with those around you, be playful, present, keep the stakes high through being honest, open, trying, reaching higher... open to falling, to giving, to transparency... to non-attachment...

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