Sunday, March 3, 2019

... despite babylon... medicine man stands...

...other... was going this way... difference between me and them... the competition... the marketplace... the babylonomics that tell you to distinguish yourself between yourself and others who are doing something similar... what makes you better?...

...hmmm... babylon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

...babylon is so deep... it becomes the neural networks in your head...

...hence these ancient practices that ALLAH-ine with the signs "we gave you rivers and mud and air... if only you would think..."... as taught by the Noor... all praise is due... 5 times a day... Surrender the artificial intelligence babylon has programmed you with to Connect with that which is Always...

... i wouldn't create separation... i wouldn't want to... i found myself in that position yesterday... as the client i was working on was a department chair at the medical school of ivy league... i was thinking of how to prove myself... what language i could use... and i found myself again in this position when i was among the n.d. students i was teaching a course to on ayurvedic analysis... and they required i prove myself... both instances... breath... pranic flow... led me to Surrender... to pause... to Connect... and convey Truth... no big words... what i do is simple... it's based on nature... and my practice on it, in it... in myself... and sharing these tools with you... not trying to convince you... to sell you on... through information... through a lot of big words... it's simple... panchamahatrantra... indriyas...  panchamahabhuta... dosha... srota... agni... dhatu... mala... balance, imbalance... as without so within... virya... hot and cold... energetics... karma... actions... tendencies... tastes... dharshana... observations... and everything is dravya...

...this is what i noticed... that babylon ayurvedic yogic practitioners move with the flow of money... of profitable... of what will get clients... they don't want to offend anyone... unless it will get them clients... they don't mind discriminating if that's what sells... babylon moves with the cash flow... i guess this is what would be different about me... free all political prisoners... free the land... stop killing the rainforests... stop chopping down the mountains for coal... stop fracking the earth... stop shopping so much... stop using plastic bottles... stop torturing other beings... stop bombing syria and afghanistan and palestine and somalia and libya and stop overthrowing governments like venezuela... i stand for something... disconnect from babylon technology...

...and as yogi-sis reminded me... stand through your own practice... through depth within You... instead of trying to change others... live this...

...use a mug... carry utensils and a sealable plate/bowl... pray... meditate... commune with the mother (earth)... and the father (sun)... share your talents... support others who need your support... don't give up... embrace the problem and learn to see it for what it is - an opportunity...

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