Tuesday, March 9, 2021

...there are 9 months in one year... 3.9.21...


...greetings... bless you and your parents and their parents and their parents and their parents... regardless of whether you have parents anymore or nor... whether you were/are an orphan... whetehr you had a hostile/abusive relationship with your parents... bless them and you and their parents... we are more than our evil.... we are also good... all of us have this capacity for both... whichever of the dichotomy you feed will be what grows as is told in the native tale of the two wolves... 

...in the name of ALLAH... i bear witness that there is no one but One... do you?... doesn't require faith to do so... doesn't require me telling you of someone who was born as the son of god and came here to absolve our sins... that is beautiful and possibly true... i don't know... but it requires a good deal of belief... taking shahadah in islam is bearing witness to One-ness... empirical... an observation... and if i left out the terms "islam" and "ALLAH" you would call it science... brilliant... of course, you may say... it makes sense... but as soon as you hear the arabic terms... news reports and steady stream of demonization rings off alarms in your head... of course... Truth is the first casualty of war... and islam is 25 to life...

...the Realization today is that there actually 9 months in the year... ask your mom... ask any mother...

...it's observable... the sun of god dies around the 21st of december... is in a space of "stice" - stasis - non-movement for 3 days... and then is resurrected... 

...but how does this equate to 9 months?... the 3 days of stasis is the hidden code for 3 months... between december 21st and march 21st... hence march being celebrated as the new year in most ancient-wisdom cultures... whether that be in bangladesh and india... with poyla boshik... or holi... or now-ruhz in iran afghansitan, turkemenistan, kyrghystan... or in the ancient practices of khemet... where ashar took rise... or the ancient germanic traditions celebrating astar.. .the fertiltiy goddess... 

...but then what about capricorn, pisces, aquarius...?... these are hidden months... inward... a period of esotericism... just some thoughts... ALLAH Knows best... 

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