Sunday, November 3, 2013

finding yin and yang in music

we have arrived at a place, where everything is music, rumi says in his poem by the same name. suf inayat khan, an indian muslim who grew in popularity in the west - and whose books my pops had - extrapolated rumi's quranic interpretations to say that all life was music -  a direct retelling of ayats in the holy text.

all beings are in tune with music - the lions, bhandor's, elephants, bees, sparrows, oaks, redwoods, himalayas, andes, etc - and thus they are muslims (beings who subscribe to islam - submission to the 1ness) by default. all, except humans. as such, we need to let go/submit (islam), to tune in to the Frequency, to Harmonize.

if music is vibrations and vibrations are the fabric of life, what type of frequency is the music we r listening to tuning us into? if while or after listening to a song you want to hide under your blanket for days, or run out and get some gucci bags and matching shoes and shades, or want to smoke and drink and grow your hair long just to thrash it, or thrash someone against a broken glass pane, then you are tuned deeper into babylon - the world of ego, look at me, materialisms, schisms.

turn off your radio and listen to Music.

indigenous music - whether it be from the hopi nation or the zulu nation, bauls of bengal or qawwals of punjab, the oud of nubia and beirut or the conga's of ghana and brazil, the bomba y plena of puerto rico or the throat singing of the altai people - is prostrate to tuning into the larger Frequency.

beyond individual name-recognition, in indigenous/traditional, the music and it's players, are more deeply concerned with the process of tuning in, and so often times, you'll be listening to a song and you won't know who the singer or instrumentalist is. conceiving this could be baffling to the babylonian, whose world is ego and rationalizing ego, whether it be by way of academia, spiritual practices like yoga and meditation, or music. my name is...have you heard of this dude... she has the best line of... BABYLON!

in babylon long hair, dreds, burning incense, and talking a certain way makes you down with spirituality. even spirituality is a look, a commodity, and babylonian spiritualists are drawn to the look. but probably because they are looking for something deeper than the corporate babylon. then go Deeper. the spiritual babylon and corporate babylon have the same common denominator - babylon.

tune in. go deeper.

the last couple of days i've been listening to pipa music from the hunan people of china and dstgah music from iran. wow. all praise is due.

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