Sunday, May 24, 2015

the methodology of traditional medicine

methodology is at the heart of the production process, my boy kaz schooled me, on the ride up, in the elvator, back to his office space. i was wodnering about the degrees thing again, thinking out loud on how it was a scam, a set up to get people to spend a whole lot of money for a paper and a way of knowing that may be okay, but just okay.

what you're speaking of is the process by which knowledge is produced. how knowledge gets produced is based on who the producers are, what their values are/based on, and the methods by which they obtained this knowledge. 

kaz pushed back his glasses, looked at the marble ground on the 22nd floor we walked out onto, and nodded at his intellectualism that flowed like bedouin poetry of potetnial prophets in 7th century mecca.

the methodology you seek is very possibly non-existant in the current educational institutions, so you may have to devise one. w.e.b dubois, paul robeson, booker t., angela davis, malcolm x, were all producers of methodologies that interrogated the machinations of societal systems and in turn, also allowed for building alternatives. 

as a traditional medicine man, what is the methodology you use/value to discern what is medicine, healing, health? what systems do  you use to derive at this knowledge? what legitimating systems are parsel in this methodology?

kaz looked between me and hi checkered shirt, a chess board of sorts. 

make this the crux of your methodology. when people from prominent organizations are interested in learning about an isssue, they often call me, to get a snese of how to excavate meaning. i give them some tools to work with, but not everything. it's not for everyone to know.

i squinted my brows in question. kaz noted this through his state of intellectual-spirits.

you can't give everything to everyone. it could and often is misused. so, you just have to give a piece. then  they may come back and maybe you give a little more. intuition will tell you  whether to go further.

kaz's language spoke to me. it was the way of the guru's, the process by which they shared or didn't, the methodology absent in yoga classes, where everything is taught to everyone who can afford it. dead presidents grants the keys to sacred knowledge. then it can't be too sacred. 

but someone this past week, this stone-specializing massage therapist was saying how there is no competition, because no two people are alike, and that because of our uniqueness, what you offer, no one else will or can. so, even when someone has the currency for vedic secrets, they may actually be getting something cheaper than earth-frackers... real can't be bought. 

my methodology in deriving at medicine is...

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