Wednesday, June 17, 2015

99 names: al Bari: the Maker of Order ii

all praise is due, has always been, even when i got jumped by the wolves at the job. the ones who couldn't fugre out how to get at my riches. was getting paid less than everyone there, was getting less from insurance, and the cash flow shoulda depleted me, but smile, wink peace. peace. assalam. they wanted what the yoga and meditaiton classes couldn't buy them. what the extra cash flow couldn't purchase. 

how'd you get that wealth? one of my colleagues asked, at the mexican spot. gassed, i gave answers, replies that sounded like sat guru's responses to his western followers. i responded with ideas, as their questions probed further, deeper. ideas. letters. a man of letters. words merged. coalesced. we did. until me and colleague were the same, in the frequency of ideas, away. far and away from the Order.

took a while. they called me in like a holler. i came in and got stuck on fly paper. for  a sec. and then they crushed me. took my job away. took my livelihood. said i was late too often, said i was a puff of cloud. said such and such said i was doing such and such. such and sssssuuu and ssssss. hissed. i hissed with them, tongue out with venom. 

they were right. gave too much energy to the job, to opinions of those prostrate to capital and the golden calf of pharonic stature. i was affected cause i was delving from propblems, instead of stepping out to look at the math. didn't add up. 

the thing is, the they that jumped me needed me to nod, to give them love, even when they hurt. but i didn't. i barely looked at them, pouting. kept it moving, walking down the ave, when i saw them during a lunchbreak, when i was surrounded by neighborhood guards that wore blades under their teeth that shined like grills, larger than 22's on 18 wheelers. 

the Order Maker provides guards tougher than leather, than the fists of my little homie who was ready to blur fists at the length of an eye hitting him, at the slightest treble of what may sound like hurt from me when i spoke of the situation, unemployed and in blues - who disrespected you sun? 

the guards are all around. all around. sun moon air river mountain stones. the stone that the builder refused has always been the head corner stone....

the stone. stoned love. pineal gland. what???

the Order Maker sets a math. what is the equation? the mathematics is in the Quiet.'s in the doing. do. work. work is worship. shhh. life is work and work is worship. the struggle is worth it.

what's your struggle? mine is forgetting purpose, mine is trusting in this path of traditional medicine and allowing it to take me instead of me trying to control it. the struggle is slipping into darkness and acclimating to schizophrenia - the frequency of bablyon. walk like flex, the death dance from dancehall to 4 train bar breaks by kids with boomboxes and epilepsy. 

how do you get down with the Order. do. focus. find Your Purpose. it's always a spiritual one. do deeper. further. shhh...with and without pause. polymer....over and over, until methodlogy hones into clarity.

this month's full moon letting go was of random doing, and doing instead from methodology. there is a method to shirsasana, to walking sitting, to humiltiy.

the methodology to the Order, is la illaha illaha, teri shan ya wadahoo, la illaha, teri shan shan shan....the repetition of this frequency in tryambakum the reptition of this frequency in cantonese in malay, in swahili in creole, in....until you are so clean inside that Om is not a word, that Om is how you walk and move.

the Order is Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........

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