Thursday, March 31, 2016

full moon: march 2016: wormholes

letting go of limiting myself to that which i know i am capable of in my asana practice.

letting go of standing back bends that keep me from slipping through the wormhole into full wheel, from doing a hand stand from downward dog, or from utansana, or just leaping into it, from folds that are not not using my back but tapping into the intelligence of quadratus laborum and psoas major and minor, and illiacus...

...letting go of what's keeping from titibasana to crow to plank...from maintaining peacock and balancing poses in balance each and every time...from flipping into wheel and from wheel to hand stand to downward dog...these are available...splits...what's keeping me?...can hanuman some of the time on my left some of the tume, but also need to get there on my right...what's keeping from getting there all of the time...

going through the worm hole this full moon, through the lesson/intention of focus from last full moon...going in, going in and discussing only through action...kill all the yappin lets make it happen, talib said...

hold clinics once a week...have a crib upstate...having a website with posts on hormonal issues that are addressed with a camera and shooting sequence and interviewing doctors and specialists in hormonal balance...linking with wifey...meditating for 15 daily...engaged in paleo...making paper to fund home family community clinics schools...taking classes with those who Know in asana and herbs and...becoming the person who achieves these things and shedding the layers off the person who did going through the wormhole...

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