Sunday, December 18, 2016

exchanging value in the marketplace

the market place is outside, everywhere, inside. don't need to leave your house, it is where you are, wherever, whatever you have to exchange. in one way markets allow us to share talents with others. this existed in feudalism as well. this has existed form time immemorial, from the days of the prophet, from before. people have talents, they grow deeper with it, they offer this talent as an exchange with others from what they need.

fishermen fish, know the waters, know which angles to drop the net in the sea, do so, get fish, bring it to the market place. fisher men know what non-fishermen don't know. non-fishermen want fish. the shawl-maker knows weaving, knows the loom, knows how to keep the fishermen warm. they exchange. exchange happens.

all praise is due for work, for the opportunity to interact, to exchange.

i do herbs, engage with nutrition, and massage, and yoga. i connect with folk, listen, reflect, write. how am i exchanging in the market place?

the market, much of the market may not be looking for a creative writer, but creative writing allows me to breathe deeper, longer. gives release to blockages that make my heart murmur. writing is a healing art for me. how am i exchanging this in the marketplace?

massage. touch is so essential, is so vital to healing, to feeling loved, to being loved, to connecting with self and others, to transforming from pain. touch. i touch with what i have studied, appreciate the art of the healing, enjoy moving my body to support the healing process of others. how am i exchanging this in the market place?

yoga helps to relieve stress, to focus, to keep the body in circulation, to destress, to flow, to align mind with focus with breath with body with spirit with Soul. yoga is more than exercise. it is ocean, it returns our one drop in the Eternal. and still, yoga has the benefit of this life, of tone, of flexibility, of rejuvenation. yoga is a love, a passion, a practice for me. how am i exchanging yoga in the marketplace?

what i keep learning is that there may be no table set up for what i am doing. so no one to hire me for this. but, like a chicken without a head, i keep going in loops, looking at jobsites, looking at the vendors in the market place with helpwanted signs, and none of them fit my job description, and none of them want to hire. the latter is a blessing, because it is a constant reminder to stay fixed in my offerings. but offer.

your offerings are essential to the homeostasis of our planet, of this and the next dimensions. by not engaging in the marketplace, by not exchanging that which will help the world, that which will really help and not just get you money, not just get you fame, not just create a hot product, by truly exchanging your deeper talents in the market place, you support ascension. all praise is due.

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