Wednesday, July 13, 2022

...july 13... the full moon...

 ... in the name of ALLAH... july's full buck moon is upon us... according to the farmer's almanac it is the closest we on planet earth get to the moon... making it a super moon... in it's appearance and distance... since it will be lower in the sky, southward, it will appear even bigger during its apex... 

...the buck is the male deer and their antlers will appear to be their fullest at this time of year...

...the moon has been a constant in my life... as much as the sun has... i started on this journey of yoga through sun salutations and shortly after... the moon came to be an important player in my life... in many ways even before the sun was an obvious sign of the One... the moon was... as holy men in my life walked to rooftops to sight the moon for eid, and other auspicious occurrences involving the life of the prophet prophets, days of ascension only Known through the signs of ALLAH... prominent is the moon in this path of Surrender that it engulfs our star... 

...on this fictional path of yogi, as a Seeker, the moon and moon fasting became a necessary part of my days... i found myself writing intentions reflections on this day, looking up when possible, having ceremony with people in my life and seeing what came up for me... of the poems that has been most central to my life is rumi referring to the humble moon... 

...i can't say i notice major changes in myself during the full moon... some people say they do.. i don't know... i can only speak for me... i don't know that my life is less climactic at this point of month than during other points... it seems equally bland and tumultuous... 

...some of the most powerful moments i've had is doing and being in community ceremony during the full moon... making and sharing intentions together... the name of ALLAH, the Most Compassionate, the Most merciful... is it in other traditions?... is it important to know? is it okay to not know? what happens if you don't know does this mean you can't do anything during the full moon?... what if we started blank today, as humans, with our same level of capacity to manipulate and understand?... i would still look to the moon, see it as a calendar... a marking of our days here on planet earth... a way to weigh the past month... a way to root and Work... living according to the phases of the moon... each day being a little different, as per the season, as per the region... in the name of ALLAH.. the Most Compassionate the Most Merciful... 

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