Saturday, August 31, 2019

...cooperative living...

...what does it mean? to be housed... to have meaningful housing... there are those who live in mutli-million dollar homes but they are alone, isolated, bored... i've seen them... been in their houses...

...there are communities... villages... they exist in america... intentional communities... what we had for millenia... we meaning my family... we not meaning a race... many other traditional people have had it to... i know that...

...and fortunately i am only one generation from this... and being so... i grew up in a household in nyc that held this ancient math... so we moved as a unit... getting that only now...

...before... when my mom would say i should how i dress or speak... i wouldn't get it... she would say what will others in our community think... my definitive western mindset immediately went to - they should mind their business... i would get pissed at these other people... i would think of how nosy they were and were only there to spoil my fun... i recall having convo with my cousins who would feel the same way... my parents are cool with it... my cousins would say... if it weren't for these other community people... i don't why they care what other people think... you do care... that's why you have the clothes you carefully selected out... the shoes you were, etc., etc... you care to be recognized... stand out... but it is outside a context... it has nothing to do with an us... it has everything to do with chasing what's in... even when you think you aren't... when you think you are doing your own thing... you are... in relation to others... to what others will think...

...the difference between caring about what the community thinks and caring about what babylon thinks is that the community requires accountability... requires you to align... babylon requires you to spend... to be wanton... to hate yourself... to be without a context... to spend... if you were aligned with community then you would be wearing clothes that were about You in relation to You... it wouldn't matter that they were 30 years old...

...home is like this... finding community... alot of the intentional communities are trying to reconnect with something lost - community - meaningfulness in their relations with their neighbors... with themselves... but they want to have good times... hope everything is fun all the time... but Real community involves layers of family... generations - babies and great grand-daddies... it involves pause... income sharing... valuing each others work... my mom had told me this once... how when the son makes money... the first check goes to the parents... but the deeper lesson was community economics... the money stays in the tribe... it is all of ours... just like she does with food...

...perhaps the step in this cooperative housing is for us to income share... live in the same household... share Work responsibilities... have meetings... strive together...

...getting it now... the ancient math i left for the books and the new age individualism of the math... 

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