Wednesday, January 27, 2021

...looking for a guru in your jugular... 1.27.21... the driveway of a friends house in p.a. watching the trump 2021 signs begin to cripple with the gusts of 19  degrees... pull out and into the back streets of suburban america to find signs of life that are not strip malls... seeking a drink that is not alcohol... a conversation that is not about a product... a hang out after... maybe...

...maybe we could still make this work... maybe we could let our eharts do the talking... what would happen... maybe babies... maybe baby... maybe we end up in the suer like everything else that gets discarded... seeping into a landfill or an ocean to suffocate other life forms... the name of the Most... the One... that which we in our constant speech have no clue of... and in our deepest Quiet... Know...

...what does this mean for so-called gurus like sadhguru who deposits ads of himself talking spirituality... and talking and talking... people like osho who seems to sit with a mirror in front of him and swears and rolexes and rolls royces his teachings from gated community to gated community... and somehow i'm supposed to worship these people... really?... if you are... what the hell is up with you?...

...india like brooklyn is a brand... like connotations of brooklyn cool india is spirituality... vs right wing hindu fundamentalism that blows up places of worship that are muslim sikh... non-hindu... that india is the greatest disparity of the monied in the same country as the impoverished... i could go on... what i will say is watch out for brands and branding... go with your local/regional/organic/holistic...

...spirituallity exists everywhere... it is the air... it is our breath... ALLAH is as Close to us as our jugular... 

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