Wednesday, January 20, 2021

...nidra-smrittis... 1.20.21... witness war... watch it with equanimity from the teachings of maharishi patanjali... rminds me to witness the vrittis as they ripple through the chitta... cause modifications that follow me into sleep and cause states of nidra - tamasic, rajasic, sattvic... so that even sleep is a nidra-vritti and needs to be transformed... 

...the images of sleep stem from smritis - memories that defy time... that take experience from time and encapsulate them into memories... continuation of those experiences that we refer back to even in our physical movements in how we come out of our places of habitation... of how we walk through the door... of what we say to who and when and with what tone... memories are smriti-vrittis that become us... so that we are no longer us... Self... but a compilation of memories we begin to believe we are... this was we become nationalities and races and ethnicities and easily irritated or verly sensitive or need to manage our anger or are prone to lash out and over react and dogmatic and uncompromising and quick on our toes or heavy on a couch eating bag after bag of potato chips... 

...we release them through facing them... through meditation... the Witness... through Quietness that lets the floodgates of Love wash over these memories... the name of ALLAH we become che to our ego... we build transcontinental revolution and transform our landscape as we know it... a new governing body that listens... forgives... responds instead of reacts.. is lucid... transparent... lets go... loyal and tribal... universal and galactic... ashtanga 5th 6th 7th... epics like the rubbaiyat and 100 years of solitude... medicine like a poet... the breath humility of the One.. al Raqeeb...

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