Friday, April 23, 2021 10 ramadhan 2021... tongue fell wet with remembrance... as i let go of the sounds tastes and aesthetic people around me... today i am reminded by shyakh hamza yusef of the importance of beauty... of radiating from the inside... that we are the people of Adam... our origin is Light and that this Light should emanate from our heart into our adornments of humble and beautiful clothes in Alignment with the Cause of ALLAH - to fall humble in awe to the Cosmos - to that which is beyond control...

...i see the struggle of my relation to product coming to a fore... in many ways it was in the battleground with shaytan in which i was attempting to know it all... to know nutrition and all the foods in the world and all the herbs in the world and all the yoga poses in the world... and and and... ultimately digging agrve of the time i've been Gifted by wasting it on trying to know... instead of Knowing that ALLAH Knows... and that it is for me to share what little i know... to put it to use in the cause of ALLAH... 

...the medicine kits are not about me and my skills and the branding but about being in Awe... of being in a state of Reverence fro the Creation... it is about Aligning with the One... through celebrating where we are in time and space... of adorning ourselves from the inside out with scent and herbs and facials and smoke and elixirs and caring for this Gift with oils... 

...put together the scents for each of the 12 seasons... general ones... with head heart and base notes... will mix them today... to draw Closer to Angels of this season... got the 80 proof for the oils... when they didn't have the higher content i was seeking and instead of putting off... which would be easy... i got it... and pulled some herbs to arrange and dust for the oils... sent the web designer some concepts to work with for the site in consideration of these kits...  worked on my writing for an hour 45... stayed in a practice of continuous in my vinyasa instead of too many stops... instead of trudging through... stayed in a practice of Truth/honesty... asking myself am i telling the Truth... how am i lying?... 

...growing Closer with surahs and Qur'an and am understanding the importance of reading this sacred text... untangling this question of fulfilling my duties of family/marriage/etc - by learning what my duties are from the Recitation and the practice - fighting (Working) in the Cause of ALLAH - to connect with and connect others with reverence for ALLAH... through the Creation - nature, beings, seen and unseen... to give and be generous and not hoard... to pray... to be righteous... to ask at every juncture am i lying? how is this in the Cause of ALLAH?... 

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