Thursday, April 22, 2021 9... ramadhan 2021... the name of ALLAh... on wednesday... day 9... i cried... it was the first time in a while that i didn't spend time too much time outside... other than a walk... i kept the teaching from the Qur'an close to me - fight, even though you may not want to... fight in the cause of ALLAH... 

...the cause of ALLAH is defined over and over as doing good deeds... helping others... being kind... fighting oppression... being humble and praying... being honest more than at face value but internally as ALLAH knows what your heart is saying... 

...i find this Truth in my yoga practice... where i am lying to myself of doing a pose or vinyasa when i rush through it... to get it over with... or delay going there through doing other less uncomfortable asanas... staying in a place of comfort...

...ALLAH reminds us through fasting... through the Gift of challenge that the greater the challenge/difficulty... the greater the opportunity for sweetness/reward... i imagine most people have experienced as this... i know i have... when i get through something difficult that takes work... focus dedication... the greater the battle the sweeter the victory indeed... with that in mind i focused on getting the jars/bottles i need for the medicine kits... knowing and feeling affirmed in the Knowing as i write this... that these medicine kits is to facilitate exposure to taqwah - God-consciousness - instead of a competition with other herbalists and medicine people... 

...for me i see my Work as ALLAH is revealing - to get past my laziness... my lack of Work ethic... and instead put fort the Work i was Gifted through all those who made sacrifices for me to learn... to gain knowledge... to know how to make medicine to give medicine... to move as medicine... to fight my perfectionism including my environmental consciousness as an excuse to not do... including not having the perfect images and design for the medicine - and instead get it to others as they need it - not because what i made is great but because it can expose them to growing more Connected with You... taking myself out of the equation... inshALLAH... 

...a major lesson indeed... all praise is due to Al Fatah (the Opener)... to Al Sami (the all seeing)... al Basir (the all Knowing)... to al Gaffar (the Forgiver)... as i tap into al Qaffar (the Eternal Flame)... inshALLAH... 

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