Sunday, December 27, 2020

...12.27.20 patterning... do we - me - you - align with th astral plane?... we are it... that We Are... understanding this through being outdoors... even when it's 15 degrees outside... Connecting with the leaves... the bark.. the leafless trees... noticing the texture of things in the winter... the way mist holds on asphalt... the trees that do have foliage... the mushrooms and bark... 

...indoor air can kill us... is killing us... softly... get out... outdoors... do it now... look up... the sky is still there... look up at all times of the day... morning... how does it look different then at 2pm, 7pm 9pm...?...

...what can you forage?... mushrooms... pine... white pine... spruce - not to be confused for yew, which can be poisonous... then there are the year round weeds... chickweed... shepherds purse for blood health... there is ground sorrel... but this can harm your liver... pine bark.... make a flour add it to another flour.. bak a bread...

...collect water with collars... harvest it... make arid regions moist and full of life by makeing them more shaded... instead of mulch... for evaporation to happen... forests are porous... how many entrances and exits are there from your habitat... my dad wants to control everything... all of our movements... he wants to know who leaves and when... and why... unnatural in some ways... natural in some... in the way of tribes... let go of control and grow deeper in tribe...

...patternize... patterning in permaculture are systems that support life... water is pumped out of cities only to be pumped back in... exhausting natural resources.. this is the anthesis of life... shape your tribe and habitat with patterns that support and vibrate life...

...waste is a man made thing... in nature there is no waste... waste is only feedstock for new life... please don't waste my time... we humans are wasteful... but when you pattern...

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