Thursday, December 24, 2020

...stepping into religion... Grace... gratitude... the name of ALLAH... blessed completion of this earth cycle... blessed 2000002100021000210000...

...if you want to Know... the belief in islam of ALLAH is that ALLAH has no beginning nor end... i neither begotten nor begets... is that which cannot be created nor destroyed...

...the lack of reverence respect for life in babylon makes it s linear system... we buy and we don't know who we are buying from or who made the product or where... other than if we read the tag in the b.g and there may be a line that says made in bangladesh or taiwan or china... and we may pay a bit more attention to the brand... we become brand loyal... well its nike, we say...

...who is nike or puma or addidas...?... i have a thing for pumas given the era i grew up in... it was the number 666 branded in my head to be a consumer for life a brand loyalists and somehow in this entrepreneural train i'm supposed to be on i'm supposed used these same tricknological systems to manipulate people to buy my product and be brand loyalists... keep it... the world of consumerism there is no relation to the product you purchase... it elevates alienation.. the alienation for the worker who toiled for something they have no joy of seeing the end result of... and the alienation of the consumer who may seek a deal or some kind of narrative which the tricknologists call content marketing... keep your scientific tricknology... the world of Nature.... everything is circular and spirals... hence one who produces also sells and you get o know them and their family and they live in your community and they know you and your family from the breads your mother makes... etc... 

...our waste is wasted... our talents wasted... this is why the self help section has grown to be like everything else in babylon... obese... and yet... as many motivational talks and books as you've read heard... it's never enough... you need more... waste should be feedstock for something else... one thing should feed another... it's not enough to be diverse and have diversity... how are we benefitting ne another in our community ... in growing and vibrating our community...?... 

...your daily life is your religion... is it?... how is it reflecting sanctity at every second of the day...? does it respect Love... service... Connection.... 

...bask in the grace... or have you fallen from it - Grace - gratitude - thanks - praise - price - what price are you willing to pay for Love?... 

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