Thursday, October 13, 2022

...ten thirteen twenty two... the name of... bismillah... 

...beginnings and endings... and mostly greys... mostly everything is greys... even spellings of words that you may have a hard and fast about... youd probablee unduhr stand mee if i rote this... spelling may play a role... words are important... they hold frequency... so even a grey on my statement of greys... has been grey and beautiful and some highlights include getting to this cafe just before it poured...  being able to bask in the mist and slight drizzle on my way here... absorbing the frequencies from the heavens to my head... 

...another highlight was my morning practice... the sense of limitation along with realizing through one of my characters that what makes me feel the most awake is during periods of growth, of challenges that i embrace and the make me sweat and grow... this is possible every moment... n certainly in my morning practice... there is an order to vinyasa... an intelligence... makes sense to go through it... and then to honor the season with a single salutation or three specific to that season atleast once a week if not everyday... 

...still corners has given me this music to rock out to, to write to, to journal and begin the vinyasa of writing... to warm up... 

...the person who created this screen and the concept of keyboards has given me this opportunity to engage in the creative writing process in this way of tap dancing, of making music of running my hands wild and wild out in the modern sense...

...and i love not knowing... and staying open... and asking questions and learning as it draws me Closer to understanding... ALLAH Knows what you do not... feel that... Trust it..

...another highlight was the conversation w my dad and uncle about the brain vs the spirit... if the brain goes dead, or begins to forget and decays, diminishes, how come our spirit doesn't recognize or See?... how come we need out brain to recognize others?... can the spirit recognize without the brain? or does the spirit go away when the brain gets injured?... i don't know... a thought... a question i have/had... posed when my dad spoke of a childhood friend's dad losing his memory n not recognize even her... my dad said that is something deeper to discuss... my uncle agreed... but added that you will get a different answer based on whether you ask a person of science vs a person of religion... i just asked a friend this question... cause i really want to know and don't... it feels good to be Open... it felt good to Connect w my uncle... we used to be real close at one point and kind of drifted these past few years... mostly i did... 

...another highlight was walking without a hat as it was raining and feeling at once drops of rain and my balding spot being exposed to possible scrutiny... the greatest being from myself... 

...another highlight is my mom... Always full of Light and Joy... and making me a big pot of kitchari... even though i need to lay low... right now...

...another highlight was the dentist... advocating for me... being open to learning from his professors... taking their suggestions and letting them guide... making sure i didn't have to come back yet another day... 

...another highlight was learning of the spanish revolution and that it was war between the republicans and the nationalists... and the republicans were communists anarchists etc., and mostly a guerrilla force supported by international movements that sent volunteers, while the nationalists were supported by portugal and nazi germany... garcia de lorca, a giant of a poet at the time, was one of those taken in and assassinated when the nationals had won... he was part of the 39 club - che, malcolm, martin... 

...i finally have glasses again... so i could see, n not dependent on contacts which address my nearsightedness, but not the need to read and see things close... with glasses i can take them on n off which i love... 

...another highlight was having clear bowel movements... eating a bowl of kitchari with avocado and lots of olive oil and coconut oil... 

...lots to be thankful for... 

...what i realized today is to choose the less attractive route... like i did at the eyeglass store... when there were three women, and the one most visually attractive was interested in helping me, i went with the one who might be consdiered less attractive, but has a beautiful heart and has seen me once a year for a few years now... 

...that to be of use means having channels/ways to Connect with folks in writing, yoga, kits, medicine, offerings... that can help... that can people started at least... in deepening their path... and then the rest... the name, breath of Breath...