Thursday, December 17, 2015

the medicine of mapping

this is the word: we are here right now. this is the layout of the land. this is where you need to get. right here. see it? these are your resources. now go. get there.

what does your map look like? what is your purpose? what are you doing to actualize your purpose? how are you using your map to guide your actions on a day to day?

i usually leave the map behind. i usually forget how important the map is. i move with spontanaiety and compare my movement to rivers and air, forgetting that the torrential winds that brought down todays rains on gotham was guided by the Laws.

the Laws are the map of the universe. they are universal. laws like gravity and frequency and relativity. they are the science of the spiritual world, missed on the pseudo-science of the spirit-less world.

know how to move.

in chaos, i am the erratic movement of drones, devastating self.

time is precious. your time here, as human, in this form that reads these writings, is sacred. how are you using it?

my map involves spreading the gospel of mountain and sun, of the northern lights and those who map involves self-sustenance for my family, cuzins, and Self, and you and you and you and the village we will build on from the example of our indigenous parents, elders, ancestors. my map involves growing deeper, deeper. so deep that ancient mathematics.

my map is a series of vedic arabic math equations aligned in the language of Essence.

when i come to your town, i am stopping at the yoga shalas and universities, along the way. i am doing asana and breath and prayer with people in places, and preparing food together after, in alignment with the Laws.

when i come to visit you, i will be doing a workshop at the local community center and theatre and herb space and wellness center and school and kitchen...

when i come through, i will bring my medicines with me. i will bring some healing potions and scents and you will Know they are made with Love.

when i come through i will be chanting to/for Al Jabbar, 99 times, lest i forget that glory belongs to ALLAH alone.

these points, these dots, are the path. they themselves are the path, and build into seven heavens.

otherwise i move. my movement is sudden. abrupt. the pop and lock of electric chairs. to do's occur without thinking, but with too much thought, and not enough plan. without pause, i flee, as if i don't make a move that second, i will miss out.

miss out, and pause. take a moment to reflect. pause. shhh... think... if only you would think, ALLAH reminds us in the Recitation - the Qur'an.

recite your map. draw it out. pause. before you move, pause. soon your movement will be with pause. pause is fearless, contrary to caution, to over-planning, over-thinking.

be that which You want. move with it. do like you Know...

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