Wednesday, December 23, 2015

prescription for war-profiteeridyne

time. running against the mj tower in bk, a bank turned condo = bank for mj, assisting passes to hiv pharmaecueticals and citi and chase. paper chase.

got the ones and twos down like a dj, like funk master flex squealing like an obese gerbil stumbling out of bbq's with an 8 ball leather varsity coat.

practice self-promo in the mirror, on youtube, the business world tells me in the form of my old-school homie, bus-boy turned warbucks.

he tells me if i really want to learn business, do nothing more than study the way of the takers.

stopped. looked. listened.


the man (white/brown/black/yellow) got thousands on the rocket launchers shipped to the bin saud's. put thousands on the other side as well. thing is, its a win win. boeing products to medina, g.e. to s'anna, all the presidents men prefer smith and wesson. classy script on the drones they shoot...

we are slaves to a page in a genetic code on the how to history of dividing, conquering, annihilating the heathen indigenous:

how much you got? the not so in-between-the-lines-voice of the news/textbooks/pop culture, whispers.  i can sell you the recipe. it's actually quite simple.

start with some booty - cash or cleavage. give plenty to one group, deny the other. plant the seeds of power and evil eye. see how they snicker, snub, beef with each other - mohegan with mohawk, hutus and tutsi's, sikh and hindu, shia and sunni...yes! it's on!

hook em up with assault rifles, ak's, sawed offs...hell, bows and arrows. 

sell to both sides. tell everyone how you are tryna broker peace between the savages. tell everyone how they know know other way then to head hunt, blow themselves up. tell em how you have no choice but to step in and help these violent uncouth long-haired/nappy/bearded/sand ni@#as to become civilized. then, take it all - land, women, oil, rivers, libraries, knowledge. take it and sell it in the white market to harvard and cuny and naturopathic medical schools. 

rewrite their gnosis into scholarly jargon and put your signature on it. if the people begin to scratch their head about it, talk about the past - talk about slavery and civil rights and women's rights, human rights - even though this is what the people you are decimating are fighting for. quote the leaders your ideological lineage (as this is equal opportunity benneton imperialism) has assassinated in the past. 

be prepared for crazy. they will go crazy. the people you ruined. set up plenty of prisons. let them rot in jail. in case they don't, plant some drugs crack-rock in their ghettos. let them kill each other. 

that should do. 

i'm gonna pass. going to pass King. i see You. beyond the bank vaults and rape-fantasy and carnage dreams - i see You. beyond the tumi luggage and slick phones and paper thin laptops, i see You. i see You King/Queen.

do you see You?

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