Tuesday, August 19, 2014

medicine is community

community is medicine. the guru muhammad - peace n blessings be upon him and his ummah - prescribed community, institutionalized it by way of rituals.

prayer is powerful alone, is more powerful in community. there is a profound power to bowing down, placing head to ground together, in jammat.

fasting is powerful. cleansing your system, getting insight, growing weak in ego, strong in spirit. fasting is more powerful in community. hence the prescription of ramadhan.

zakat, the necessary percentage of income set aside for alms, sustains community needs.

pilgrimage to mecca, the figurative nucleus of the atom, and circling like planets, together, in unison, dissolves status, looks, cool, in the mundane.

at the heart of the guru's prescribed pilgrimage is the experience of being community/tribe on an international level, a tribe that is so dedicated to 1ness, all languages meld into the beautiful lettering of the code of arabic prayers, of nothingness...all praise is due.

community is at the heart of the path of surrender (islam). all praise is due. hands up, bow down.

our babylon teaches us the converse - do you, be successful by getting out of your community, out of situations with others who hold you back. even self-help literature encourages the divorce from anyone who is in your way.

so how do we go beyond the babylon frequency? how do we embrace the Higher frequency?

build real community, not appointments for lunch in 2 weeks, or dinner in 3...

build sustainable community in which you sustain each other, where you recognize your success is less about you getting a name for yourself and dependent on the success of the community.

human existence is a second. this is brief, my brother said. little time to get caught in the helium of ego. just hot air. there is more to this manifestation than the smoking mirrors of success.

so, what will it take for us to do the most radical thing in the western world - build community?

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