Thursday, September 11, 2014

medicine is community iv

in the name of ALLAH, the most beneficent the most merciful.

was listening to dr. clement of the hippocratic institute in florida, speak on the importance of eating right. he referred back to 5 generations ago, as the departure point, between when we knew how to eat and when we forgot, giving way to industrialization and greed.

5 generations ago, he said, you were a farmer. you worked the land. you ate what you harvested. you brought home crops that your wife prepared. but it wasn't just you and her. you were eating at that table with your parents and uncles and aunts and kids and... but we forgot how to live...

interestingly, dr. clement, whose talk was on food, made it a point to underline the lack of community as part of the problem in poor diet.

the hippocratic institute serves as a rest/rejuvenation/healing stop for many who seek another way to engage with food and life, one that could bring healing to their ailments. many go there with chronic issues that have been un-remedied by alopathic medicine.

the hippocratic institute may be a model for the kind of school/institution that could be central to an intentional community.

are you ready for this?

all of us have indigenous origins, meaning, we all have a connection to land in a deep and meaningful way, somewhere in our ancestry. for some, as dr. clement mentioned, it may be 5 generations. for some it may be 15 generations, before kidnap and transatlantic slave-trade, before columbus and the stick-up kids...

..whatever the case...we all have a soul-ar dna/compass that points in the direction of soul-living. our school/institution than will be that of traditional medicine, of soul-living.

are you ready? what kind of medicine can you offer? of course the greatest trait in the medical arts is humility, whatever your craft.

the intentional community will have at its center-piece this school/institution of healing, of earth-shepherding, and central to this will be music-therapists tuned into Essence-frequency, art-therapists, herbalists, story/essay/journal-writers who re-create storylines, massage-therapists, listeners, farmers, shepherds...we can use all the medicine we got...

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