Tuesday, September 22, 2015

surah 30: al rum: the romans

the romans will regain power soon, the surah, al rum, begins with. this is decreed, as a revelation from ALLAH, the One, because ALLAH, knows all. 

this resinstallation of ego-power will also cause rejoice among believers. why? why would the hold, grip, takeover of imperialism lead to rejoice among believers. we are in the age of rome. re-rome. ancient cultures, and civilizations of humility, of surrender are being decimated, just as this intitative of neo-plague began over five centuries ago, during the inquisition of spain and tne search for reources as derived from the resource deprived lands of europe. this lead to the re-emergence of the prokaryote of european colonialism, into the emergence of conquest and dis-ease into epidemic portions. the prokaryote cutltures grew both in their search and destroy (the precursor of the modern babylon frequenceis found in the angst, nihilsim, materialsim search for self-propogation of heavy metal, thrash, hip hop, pop, etc music).

the bacterial vampiric apporach is not restricted to a people, nor a continent, but can be found in lands throughout the world and throughout history. they have emerged as brown skinned like me, black as ebony, white as chalk, pink as pig. rome is a state of mind, a way of being, that is carcinogenic, and is less penetrable among cultures of Soul/Surrender, and more prevalent in ego-based individualist driven cultures. hence it is more vast in certain regions and less in others. 

rome has been resurrected...this is the sign...al rum goes into signs for people who will think. the signs, all the signs to believe, to surrender to enjoin this path of surrender are available in nature. nature provides all the signs there are to know. ture knowledge (gnosis) is in the knowing of what is provided, of reading the signs. the signs are the deserts and the plains, the cows and the ants, the spider and the webs, the grass and the dunes, the crops and the droughts. 

reincarnation, birth, death, and rebirth can be understood not as a spook mystical phenomenon to be wowed by like zeus and poseidon warring and causing thunder. the path of surrender is science, is the mathematics of mysticism, not a horoscope or the awe of talking about mercury in retrograde as a way to rationalize your woes. study mercury for real, and the signs will reveal themselves. reincarnation, in this sense, is not just a speculation, nor a topic of identity politics, but observable in nature. the apple falls from the tree, becomes part of the soil, becomes roots, trunk, branches, fruit. watch and observe. we can add a spook dimension to add excitement, if it will make you feel better. 

all there is to know, surah 30 teaches us, is observable in the Creation, and in being so, we should submit, because the surrender will align us with the energy of impermanence, will dissolve us into the Great Harmony. otherwise we stay stuck on the cycle of anitchya, duka, amatiya. 

1 comment:

  1. Al-Rum--> the Romans--> Europeans, it's been said, and I believe, especially when you look at the atrocities they have committed to the people of Africa, Latin America, Asia, etc.
