Friday, October 2, 2015

full moon letting go sept 2015

in the name of the One...

where's the love...where's the love? radiohead asks, in their song fake plastic trees...she lives with a broken you live with one?

my heart's partially broken from the bomb that just fell right now. my heart aches because it feels the gang rape of the 10 country assault on syria...somehow the bombs of the 10 countries, their drones, soldiers who snipe are the good guys ending the bad...somehow their fighter jets, rain of bullets, are helping the internal affairs of another country, helping a civil war...

...what would it be like if during another city at unrest, like baltimore, people vs cops...canada, and mexico, and israel france and japan and russia and britain and...decided to drop bombs on us, saying they were helping to keep the destructive behavior of the terror gangs from spreading???


prayers. plant my head in the soil, and surrender these heavy thoughts. 

rise from sajdah in hope, in renewed spirit, prepare for dua, for the begging, for prayers...then i pray for the droppers of bombs and the bombed. pray for compassion, for a better way, for love to fill the hearts of those actively and professionally involved in lying to the public because they run the show we watch in suspended disbelief...

prayers for you oppressor man/woman. 

prayers for the mothers, fathers, grandparents...

is there a safe place for elders? 

nyc speaks the language of high on cocaine through the left lane of moving through hustlenomics, selling you on a day and time and schedule. i forget. 

i forget that we were supposed to meet. appointment books get lost on me. no excell or spreadsheets or google calendar to plug in the date two weeks from now. i forget and we never met again, and no marriage, and another missed boat, and i must not be serious, cause i would've showed up to the appointment. i'll pass. 

this full moon i'm letting go of resisting what i have to offer. so, letting go of resistance to fulfilling of this path. instead, what i'll be doing is embracing, hugging, actualizing, through the Surrender. this full moon reminds me that eclipses happen, and to embrace, to maintain orbit, to keep shining from within, even if without looks dark, appears cloudy. 

this full moon, instead of resisting, by letting go of resisting, i am letting go of control, of attempting to be a perfectionist in controlling perfectly the outcome, the happening. instead, i'm trying my best, and listening and moving, through the work, because making mistakes is important, because other peoples reactions are a reflection, because there is reward in the work, regardless of how belittling it seems, because your Purpose can never be compromised by ego - yours or anyone else's. 

letting go of resistance to my Purpose, to your Purpose, means to let go of the ego that may seek to control you in wanting to control an outcome. 

in dealing with the frequency of ego, you fall in competition with others who are in this wavelength, and un-naturally set measurements with others on the stick of who knows more, who is more important? the most important thing you can do is the Work. the Work is fulfilling Purpose. the Purpose is to serve through humility, diligence, spiritual alliance...

what will be possible when, if i step away from resistance that comes from ego - from, i'm too good for, i'm better than, i am not good enough to, i don't deserve to...? i'll let you know in less than 14 days, during the half moon. you let me know to royalty...

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