Saturday, January 23, 2016

full moon jan 2016

first full moon of this new sun cycle and it's a state of emergency....

snow purrs like cats from the catwomen's house off 21st. she has 100's the rumor went back in the days of junior high...

...snow like white christmas in nordic fairly tales accessible through walking closets in apartments the size of closets, when books become windows to the universe, 10000 leagues under the sea...

state of emergency...11 states from georgia, up...

...ny shut down King & Queen told me earlier, didn't you hear? 
people in bangladesh heard.
shut the noise media for me

state of snow in iraq, syria, palestine, afghanistan, pakistan, somalia...grenades like big globs of snow dipped in war, coming from skywalkers remote controlled by gamers in the man's house...a trickster... snow on black folk, blackened by sumprematicologistics of mindsets trapped in skin and fear - the cracker (one who cracks a whip) mentality...

...trickster man is a chomelean being in the bodies of white, brown, black, yellow, red folk...look past the strut of words and bend of skin...i see you...

...keep it pushing with Love...this sun cycle is isa and muhammad and musa, stepping like universe, like trendless shawls as ancient as the wool of soof...

...all praise is due...this far...isa words when i see you...cause i see me...and warmth Queen, love King...cause You already Know...

...asif universe Ullah...asif in the universe of Essence...a book on the shelf of mount hood in oregon, in the rain forest west of san juan in p.r., written on the lines of the bengal tiger in the sundarbaon, on the walls of blood vessels in the embryo, at moment of dna inscription in the plantain plants that make medicine through bronx asphalt...all praise is due...

...this full moon, i'm letting go of the hat that hides me...let shine the crown chakra that has shed its mane of ego...this full moon...letting go of doing things the going beyond comfort...doing it all different...switch the container of who i've come to believe this body is based on a past...

storyline is...meditating with me, and with you, cause its become an aspiration and not a presence...calling you, because i text, hide behind the norm...sitting in the front of the class, cause i've been lurking in the back, complimenting you, cause your beauty, your shine, stays in my head, and you may want to hear it, just as i do...this full moon letting go of the rote of same old same old based on a script i've come to identify with through habituation...letting go by doing it different, by rewriting based on the gospel of al Khaliq...all praise is due...

..btw, you're stunning, and i think you're fly, and anyone would be lucky to have you in their life, and some of what you say that's hurtful is less about who you are, and you are more than these words, and ideas, and next round of oregon graperoot tea is on me...

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