Monday, February 15, 2016

99 names: 16: al Wahab: the Giver of ALL

alhamdulililah...all praise is due for You King, Queen, Warrior...i see You...

all praise is due for this opportunity in this Gift of being manifested as human being...

...and all praise is due for this curse...for knowing about the lies and the bombs and the wholescale murder of peoples and ways and history and the no-one-is-batting-an-eyebrow - because arabs, syrians, afghanis, iraqi's are not people - are not light enough to escape white-surpemacy (=multicultural these days), not dark enough to gain the acceptance of in-justice, not people enough because islam - because they don't have bars, clubs, places to get trashed, twisted...raze it down...kill em all and replace them with the destitute babylonian searching for answers in coke, cola, how-to's, strip clubs, liquor shops and vegas...

al Wahab is the Giver of why the curse? why the rain 3 months in a row, the clouds 9 months and counting, the boom-boom, the f your sari's and bindis and nose rings and prayer rugs and beads...??? why slavery and holocaust and obama-drones, and bush bombs, and clinton-chaos (watch out for the vulture-class)???

Giver of ALL, what is the meaning? my Quietest moments, in my furthest location from the region of podium, panel, speaker, talker....homeostasis...the human body surfaces...

there are parts of our bodies that are sick, that are run over with gangrene, that have lost oncotic pressure, giving into hydrostatic pushes that leak out too much - excess yang, excess vata - draining your night in a toilet, flushing out your self from the equation...

so we need medicine...medicine is more than pills...medicine is movement, free flow of xi/prana, free of obstructions...flow...

...we are a body...all of us... a body, we are hurting...we've got tumors...we are suffering from heaptitis, and peptic ulcers, and hiatal hernia, and gerd, and constipation, and diarrhea, and pulmonary, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and tachycardia, and hypertension, and atherosclerosis, and diabetes melitus i & ii, and blood sugar out of wack, and metabollic syndrome, and polycystic ovarian syndrome, and estrogen dominance, and ammenoreah, and, and, and a microbiome that has become a terrordome of war, war, war...greedy reward pathways whisper the great benefits of eating another 13 slices of pizza, and chicken wings, and samosa, and black forest cake, and dark chocolate, and....

...devils pie...

...Giver of ALL is night and day, sunlight and dark, winter and summer and fall and desert and black and brown and yellow and red and peach, and peaches and dandelions, and cacao and maca...

...but then there is what is un-natural...there is what is beyond what nature is capable of, and this is the thought process of human beings that cause destruction, decimation, annihilation...tumors, blood-sugar out of whack... we need homeostasis...this happens through going Deeper, through greater humility, and fearless action in stopping this chronic disease, and bringing forth health...Peace


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