Saturday, March 26, 2016

ethnocentrisms are anathema to spirit

march mad man bouncing down the boulevard dribbling spit lyrical fire like mideveal dragons in imaginary europe, where my great greats migrated to from the land of beginning - india.

what if i told u that india is where civilization began? how can u disprove it? will u revert to what a modern scientest has said based on digging earth and finding some bones? did they dig every corner of the earth? should we start? my peoples bones are older than your people bones? may argue...will u default to emotional desire to be part of a humane world that accepts all and seeks to undo a past of slavery and genocide even while it continues to terrorize and decimate arabs, africans, indians in bangladesh, india, peru, haiti, honduras, nevada, the dakotas? what if i told u that according to many native american stories, native americans were always here, that there was no migration? what if i told u that china was actually the birthplace of civilization, and so we are all actually chinese? what difference does it make if your origin is indian from india, indian from america, chinese, or african, or for that matter europe? does this contribute to greater wholeness, unity, or greater division?

an indian friend of mine told me that since yoga started in india, it should only be entitled to indians. of course india has changed a bunch since then. what we knew as india, just 70 years ago, is what is now bangladesh, india, and pakistan. some of the most renown yogis have come out of what is now bangladesh; and the indus valley civilization of harrappa, which is a point of national pride for being one of the most ancient advanced civilizations in current day pakistan.

i asked her if water had any borders to it, if the sky had any borders. she said no. so then how do u put a border, how do u put a nationality to spirit?

spirit has no national origin, no citizenship in any nation-state, no green card to legitimate permission to exist. spirit is contiguous with orbits and stars and galaxies and universes. as we are taught in the path of Surrender to the Source of Peace - Islam - ALLAH has no beginning, nor no end. can u conceive this eurocentrist? asian-o-centrist? afrocentrist? native-o-centrist?

perhaps, one of the single greatest distinguishing points of this path is it's foundation as universal. neither buddhism, nor hinduism, nor christianity, nor judaism where in cultures of multi-cultural and multi-racial differences. the prophet of Peace had to address the ethnic difference, racial difference, tribal difference question from the onset as mecca was a crossroads of white, black, brown, and a multiplicity of ethnicities and tribes. he could've gone with previous ethno-centrisms in oppressed cultures surrounded by other oppressing cultures - you are superior to others, and thus chosen to lead; or rationalizing oppressor cultures to occupy the hierarchy of caste. instead, he chose the long road, the one that required going beyond pandering to human emotion and ego - we originate from the stars, which are in Surrender, and thus orbit by way of the Laws. these Laws are universal - no man, nor race, nor statue to worship, bow down to; just that which is Nothing and Everything.

cultural allegiance, love, engagement, is different from cultural arrogance, supremacy, pretentiousness. culture of course, is under attack. culture is under the bulls eye. that is, if you are from a culture of humility, two bullets to your head, drones on your people, and images of you as terror. somehow...somehow the people whose lands are being bombed daily, who are being killed in the millions, who are being tortured and their bodies desecrated, are the pathological bad guys. i pray for you baldheads.

baldheads is a term that bob marley used to refer to the white man in his colonial campaigns all over africa. understanding ancient mathematics, i know that this term, like spirit, is not restricted to a single construct of race, as much as many of us will try and reinforce these false dichotomies that somehow leave brown, black, yellow baldheads off the hook cause they are just victims of manipulation and circumstance; as if they aren't capable of being intelligent enough to be messed up and diabolical. sadly, this is often the current battle to the race to the bottom - i can crack a whip as good as you - equal opportunity means equal opportunity to be a cracker. of course old school crackers aren't down with this. only we have a right to crack! sad that the struggles of our forefathers has led to the fight to become baldheads.

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