Saturday, July 16, 2016

count on yogum

yoga. all praise is due for yogum...for this path of yogi, for keeping me anchored in the realm of Nothing...door closed, sweat beads like orbits...peace...

...peace when you call...peace if i never see you again...peace if you cuss at me...peace if you make me laugh...peace if you denigrate my religion...peace if you give me a check...peace if you see me...peace if you don't...

...peace because there is only so much time between sequences, between morning and afternoon/evening practice...that whether you remind me that i could count on you to not count on you as is the case in the modern world...i have ancient mathematics, formulas i become sycamore, bristle-cone pine in...dripping from every pore, every orifice...puddles...shed old to renew, daily...

...peace because i have connection with the One (salat), and prayer (dua)...regardless whether you term it as anathema or connect on it as just rote movement...or you give an academic explanation on how religion is the opium of the masses and sadly people aren't capable of thinking the way you are...i listen and no longer respond no longer engage in your anxiety and depression and sense of misery and isolationism that you'd like me to fall into...leading you to talk more, drink more coffee, get a bagel and a donut and mimosas as you phase into speech, dissertation...i leave you for Connection, for prayer, for surrender to the Source of Peace...from science...spiritual science... is fire...when you need's...vinyasa...can't stop won't stop... is water...motion is lotion...subtle movements...find movement in every part of every water... is earth...when you root, move like the building of appalachia, of the yogis of darjeeling in bengal and shimla in punjab... is air when you brush strokes, when you are fast and slow and dega, and klimt... is life when you breathe from Source, flow through your day, when you are present/mindful, walking tadasana, samasthiti, from your center, hands folded in namaskaram to all, regardless of your sense of happy or sad, respect or violation...peace...when you are fearless, stretch limits, take it further...


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