Wednesday, November 23, 2016

focus or the circumstance is chaos

knocked off my feet by running past myself, running to keep up with subways, left lane of the left lane of skills, and jobs, gigs and relevance...

...irrelevant. i've always been irrelevant. shunned it. sought to fit, sought to squeeze a circle into a box, earth into a fridge. did it. came out stiff and broke-dancing. so broke, i became cool, part of the in, looked at, checked out.

the race to the bottom opens doors in babylon.

never me, and knowing this has kept me running, on an escalator going 50, on 3 planes, 3 trains, 3 cars, and 3 subways at once. nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah...

...spinning...a million thoughts...a million ideas...a million dollars somewhere over the city skyline...

the circumstance has been to default on what is set forth for that exist, ideas for change, ideas for entrepreneurship, a million of them

...and thus, by circumstance - dizzy, nauseous, running a million and never moving an inch, and then the full moon comes out - speechless and brilliant...

...circumstance to shift into focus...focus requires honing in, getting deeper...

...i have been getting deeper in yoga and touch...

...through touch, i can go deeper in the work i do with people. touch requires medicine making - oils. it requires using herbs - making poultices, oils, lepanas. it requires preparing the body through nutrition - ghee, ghritas, tailas, ketogenics, paleos, requires therapeutic diets...swank, fodmaps, requires collaboration of movement - yoga, yoga therapy, assisted requires breath, breathing techniques, meditation...

...through touch, i can touch on everything else...everything...getting deeper with touch would be panchakarma - detoxification...i can focus on just this - detox, detoxification means letting it out, letting loose, talking about it...

...panchakarma allows for a focus on a finite period - 7, 14, 21, allows for meaningful allows for sacred preparations to remain allows me to hone in what i studied and get deeper with allows me to make herbal preparations...

...the circumstances then will be...panchakarma...herbal detoxing, becoming more flexible, programs of self-detoxification, periods of being outside panchakarma but maintaining a detox path...

...circumstance - touch, self touch, partner touch for flexibility - the becoming flexible again, rejuvenating, and becoming whole...

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