Wednesday, December 14, 2016

full moon december 2016

ayam-al-beed - the 3 days of the full moon - the 13th, 14th, & 15th in the lunar calendar, the scientific basis for the islamic calendar. these 3 days are recognized as auspicious, as days to Listen. Listening happens best on an empty stomach and full heart. weakness of senses, and strength of body...

been meditating on weakness and strength these past couple days as i've been sniffling, holding my throbbing head, covering my mouth as i thrash in coughs, and tuck deeper into a blanket, tightly covering my throat to prevent the cold from choking me 6 feet high and under...

feel mortal, weak, disappointed in myself for being weak, for being so vulnerable, for being so inept physically. wonder, in moments of prostration, what is the lesson here? what is the ayat for me in this journey?

this is what i learned:

although i bow and vinyasa, and meditate, and eat nutritionally sound, and hydrate well, and am social, there are parts that are missing, things i am lacking in.

herein lies the crux with last months intention - to build circumstance/s that require me to fulfill purpose.

i've been walking into circumstances that place me in the way of germs, of cesspools of virus and bacteria. welcome to the modern classroom. it is a circumstance that comes with the territory of my current occupation. but all engagements in any society means interaction with circumstance. circumstances exist. for this reason, it is important to be rooted in deeper rooting in Real, to have circumstances no matter the circumstance.

that is, if i am in a circumstance where there is disease abound, my rootedness in nourishing foods will keep me in a circumstance of health. nourishing, in this instance means foods that are local, seasonal, that align with my body constitution and the tilt of the earth and distance from the sun in this specific point and time. thus, all things considered - potatoes, apple, kale, beta-carotene rich cruciferous veggies - purple cabbage, caulfilower, broccoli...stews that incorporate this. warmth with fats to keep moist and warm in the face of cold and dry.

thus, one of the learnings, at the very tip of the last supermoon, through this new phase of vulnerability, is to grow deeper in rooting in Real, and allowing the Real to create circumstance in life circumstances. that is, there are circumstances we can build and require us to fall into, like renting a space with others and setting up a conference on yogic breathing. but then, there are circumstances that we must create in order to engage with the minute to minute - the train ride/car ride/walk over to wherever you go - the cafe, the restaurant, the dinner you go to - the socializing you do - the shopping for foods - all of these default on a circumstance, and if you are not equipped with structures grounded in Real, than - slouch, fatigue, susceptible to germs and disease, judgemental thoughts...

this leads me to this months super moon intention - to clear clutter. i realized in this illness, that part of my challenge with sleep is that i have way to many lights on in my head - too much thinking, which means its like vegas in my head - pollution.

this light pollution keeps from seeing the stars, the milkyway, only possible in areas that are completely black - the national arches of utah, cherry state national park in pennsylvania - to see the Light, you have to turn the lights off.

as without, so within, ayurveda says. happiness is when what we say, what we think, what we do, are one and the same, gandhi said. in a room full of clutter, if my words are sparse they are misaligned with my cluttered thoughts.

clutter, than keeps us, me from the peace i was striving from a couple full moons ago - peace, planning, presence. presence is possible in the face of peace. in its absence, no peace.

as without - without i've been accumulating and holding on to everything, finding slivers of floor to lay in, dreaming one day when the sun is brighter...oooh childing to myself and holding tight to that which is ephemeral.

this full moon, i create the circumstance for peace, by de-cluttering without, and within - burn the relics of that which is false, which was a moment... all praise is due... letting go of books, clothes, electronics i no longer need...

...this leads to the third portion of the lesson this illness - the first being create circumstance in the mundane moment to moment for societal ineraction by rooting in Real . the 2nd being de-cluttering without and within. 3rd, i realized, or i understood the sign of this illness to mean that there is reality in this body, in this lifetime and spiritual strength requires physical strength, not to be confused for cosmetic muscles and foods. but without a strength in the body, in the debilitated state, its hard to concentrate on anything other than one's own misery. in this state, spiritual awareness is a challenge.

thus, strength. be strong. strength. be strong by building the circumstance that allows for rooting in Real - roots nutrition, rooted in smoothies, soups, porridges, season, constitution, sun and the crescent moon.

through this month, i carry the truth of the lessons from this past month - building circumstances to root in Real. thus, i realized, financial weakness, also keeps us preoccupied in matters that keep us scavenging. to shift this, the circumstance has to be changed.

as i let go of clutter, i build on that which is essential, that which is Real...a clean, clear space...all praise is due... 

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