Sunday, February 26, 2017

destination in the now

letting go to give to make space to re-emerge to coalesce...

seasons of change are always. this is as unusual a time as always. haven't had bombs dropped on me today, but i have, i am torn to shreds in several parts of kabul and mosul and alleppo and mogadishu and sinai and gaza and north irleand and if time and space are a continuum and no past or future, no beginning no end, than the dakotas, and kansas and the rebellion of crazy horse and geronimo, figures memorialized by taker cultures these days, the same ones who condemn the rebellion of the condemned, the's in your head...

let go...let go of the last paragraph and spend all day with you in the zoo even though it breaks my heart to see bengal tigers roam in and 7x8, to see crocodiles stacked like the new grand mac, to see eagles with winds clipped...even though...i see You...and there is something nice about it, about it being human interaction, about our opportunity to delve into a past and make sense of us, of kindling a fire that sparks a feeling of High...

spark again. in the park this time. on the benches. hat back, goatee drifting between an islamic past and a rebel-in-america button-downs and ties, no slacks and shoes to dance your corporate walk for you - white/brown/black/yellow-corporate man...

i'm in the trenches, returned to the place of my birth, at the death of a million, at the blood sun that dawned like us in central park, between classes, watching planets we thought were stars...

...gave up national flags for mudras that symbolize five elements - Air Land Liquid Atmosphere Heat - the number 5. charged, electrified in a dozen tribes, 144. around the table with the sun. planets that orbit in Surrender (islam), to One (ALLAH).

thing is, you love the language when there is none of the translation. soon as you see that these ideas are not mine, that they are derived from what was written, in their arabic translations, it becomes anathema. you cringe. why?

on february 26th 2017, what i learned is to let go, to Create. that i found myself in west philly, in the mirror of brownsvilled and newark, where muslim beards are combed out in a hope out...i found myself moving just as fast as the caddy's on the narrow 2-ways, pushing grit out fast enough to leave something without having spent time with that something to clean it out, to dissolve to absolve, to transform...

sit with what's before you. take heed. otherwise you are bound to be strangled by it. otherwise you are bound to be in noose of deceit, consumerism, hatreds...

clean house. clean...the destination was a lie. there's nothing there. that is, if you are looking to purchase to obtain a thing, to get that job, cloth, shoe, asana-pose, knowledge to regurgitate...that is, destination is in the journey.

the journey is breath, is love, is work, is presence, is giving of yourself from a place of equanimity, for a place of destination, of the pose you want ti be, of hand stand, is in samasthiti, is in the walk in the movement, in the interaction of food. that is everything is in everything else. so it doesn't matter if you practice writing, or herbs, or juicing, or nutrition or selling scarves on the stree. it's in each of these things, and the less the name, the less the fame, the deeper, the Realer, the Closer to the One

...all praise is due...bow down and do. focus on one thing. clear space. presence in the clearing. breathe. give. give. give. with gratitude.

what would you attribute to our success in marriage, i asked a friend. he said, quoted the Recitation (Qur'an) - do good deeds. 

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