Thursday, March 23, 2017


be. recite, and be. die before you die. the prophet muhammad. peace n blessings be upon him and this lineage of guru knowledge that facilitates ancient mathematics...all praise is due...

lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala.... the doing...happening...what's happening is ambulances...a audience...

in the back of the cafe are massage rooms. the customers know what they way. they have shoulder, neck, lower back pain. all of them. they are in front of computers. 40 - 60 hours. not including the time they spent hunched over their celly's and ipads, and other devices. screens. they want quick repair. quick pressure. deep. real deep. quickies. no time to exchange names or contexts. transactional. one hour. one night.

...peace. peace out on it. leave it. medicine man connects with You. listens to you and then to One, and does...may be different from the deep tissue. may be you on the floor reaching your arms to the sky and your hips into the ground like your sitting bones were roots...

...been digging some of the yoga superstars, not cause they are in the limelight, or shining lights on themselves, n getting others attention. but because they are deep in their craft. not hating like i hear many yoga teachers do. they are in. playing. exchanging in the market place. their bodies reflect this. they are not just 6-packed and all muscle, but are agile, capable of flying over fences. they slow down time. ramana's quiet. the truth in the Quiet that is exhorted in the Recitation, in the words of the prophet, in the conveying of these words through the poet rumi... therapy videos to support your season and mood and digestion and getting deeper and to connect with You, beyond the imagery that you may initially fall into...see you on youtube Glory...

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