Sunday, October 22, 2017

bout it

be about it...bout it bout it...

what are you about? why?

are you about night life? night time? cool? impressions, impressing...who? why? what are you chasing...?... the party last night...the brother told me that he lost sense before the car crashed, before his car was totaled...he woke up in the hospital tied to machines, injections, cables stringing him up...he appeared alright, cause as he was speaking, i was checking him out, checking to see if he was okay... hurts he said, it really hurts...but yo man, i'm blessed, i am so blessed and wake up every morning saying this these days...that i'm blessed...all praise is due...

...i would've agreed with him...but recently, i've been wondering...been wondering about this, about where we are at...this ephemeral being, where things are constantly changing, never the same, even when it appears to be...that people constantly come and go...that this is a swivel door, and sometimes at the pace of what's the point...?...

...and if the path of spirit is to bring us closer to that which is Always, and that is what we long for, and this is the maya, then why is there such great investment in this?...why was bro so glad that he was still here?...

...part of it was that he had a a kid and grandkid...a young grandfather...a tie, a tether, something to tie him to this world...

...but, if you don't? then what?...hmmm...deep...people are our tether...we are in need of others...we need them to survive, for our own sustenance and mental health, and well being...the article on alzheimers between the u.s. and india showed this...that there was a lower incidence of alzheimer's among village indians...then affluent elders in america...they traced this to the social climate...the social environs...

...we need each other...and what kept bro alive was that, his being needed, and feeling he needed to...

...this is the key ALLAH offers us through do good deeds, to serve humanity, to serve the Creation...all beings, all dad told me..tells me, told me when we spoke on the phone a few days ago...has told me for decades...i can forgive you for most everything, but not for failing to serve your fellow being...

...the purpose of being here is to be there for have this be your meditation...and those who don't want your service? learn from them...take the feedback, and give, with Love, and leave with Love, and continue to Love and serve... the prophet muhammad (s.a.w) tells us, let your work be your with worship...

...he also tells us to walk with the grave besides walk like a traveler with the grave besides us... a traveler i am in tuned, alert, new, in a state of a new slate, starting all over, starting from the beginning, seeing things like a baby... what you wish to receive...treat with Love, unconditional, as if it was you being treated this way - with care, with love, with joy, with happiness...with welcome...

...and with focus...your task is clear...and the thing is...none of us know...or atleast i don't know if i'm ever going to be a form again, and that's probably why so many musicians put out the line one life to live...i don't know about that either, but i do know that being a human is an opportunity, a brief one, and if this is a gift, how can be a Gift to life...?...

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