Sunday, July 21, 2019

...carried away and steering...

...this is what i'm wondering... i think the reason why being carried away... being without direction and just letting things happen could be a challenge is that it could feel empty... it could feel like party and bull sh@t... it could feel like another day/s have gone by and you've done very little and although the interactions you had felt okay... and sometimes good... not deeply meaningful...

... there is small talk and then there is deep talk... and sometimes the two become conflated... depending on who You Are... i tend to be interested in people's path... in what they Love... in what moves them... and so a lot of one-off conversations on law of attraction and non-coincedence... on ALLAHment... and asana breath fana...

...this was this past weekend... wandering... from one convo to another... no deeper building... and i am reminded of the wisdom from guru pops - walk back... walk back these past ten years and see how you moved... see how you did... see how you spent your time...

...i think he could've easily said these past 30 years... this past life... as i think i've probably been more aligned in my recent past then ever before... a lot of which is due to the discipline of yogum... of asana vegetarianism/veganism/prayer/fasting/full moon/writing/studying ancient medicine...

...with that said... what hasn't happened is the sharing... highway-to-heaven has appeared as that road for me to share... to offer my offerings... and if i were there... this past weekend with these offerings... with these exchange mediums... with Work... then the convo would feel different than the adolescents saturating the place...

...could be why much of my dreams see me as a young man... as facing juvenile issues...

...good Lord... reimagined... what happened on earth 3 trillion galaxies away is that i came into the fest this weekend with herbal mixtures and tinctures... scents and stones... a course on Kingship and Queenship... on journaling to Connect... on being there with kids... with community... as part of building growing community...

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