Saturday, November 30, 2019

...11.30.19... alchemy of happiness... the name of ALLAH...

...imam al ghazali says that the Way to happiness is an alchemical process and can only be Known through Gudiance and this Gudiance is divine Knowledge that is conveyed through Guides who have been sent down over time... there were 24000 prophets conveyed to earth, among the human beings, to provide this Gudiance... following their Guidance will get you into the State of Happiness...

...the Guides show us how to turn away from what appears to what Is...

...does this resonate with your understanding/research of prophets?... holy-people... there are 24000 and we know only a few... these are some i've identified in my own journey - the Noor, prophet muhammad, the Lover, jesus, the revolutionary, moses, the Seer, krsna, the Guide, gautama buddha, the philosopher, confucius...

...each of them teach us to turn towards Light... to be non-attached to the illusion of pain and pleasure as the buddha has provided us with in his tools for self-surgery.... as all of them have... immediate resonance in reading this intro from al ghazali is the Truth about Real Guides... is that he tells us that those who seek the alchemy elsewhere will be disappointed... hence the constant trends and turnover of these trends... they are meant to sell you on something... they are meant to draw you into something... but more often than not, they are meant to help but themselves may be impacted... unclear...

...the prophets provide a Way to Truth...

...the prophet tells me to Surrender to the Will of my mother... my father... my family... to fellow beings... to all beings...

...i have half of december off... over half... and now... i'd like to make some money... to address the losses incurred recently... to support the dream... the name of ALLAH...

...i would also like to grow deeper in my offering... in helping others to Connect with those who Know... to Connect...

...what can do that?... Working in a place in warmer weather... in a space of yoga... where i am learning... where i am growing...

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