Saturday, July 2, 2022

...july second twenty twenty two...

 ...moments before my nascent... saturn more than half way in its second revolve... and the revolution happened while i sat in a cafe and typed like it meant something it was the most important thing in the world... and usually i can't think without writing... without seeing these words to make meaning of what any of this means... the name of ALLAH... what the self help books and gurus of this age tell you is that if you only did this or that and if you do it this way and if you spend some more time doing this and if you build this habit of success and do this type of yoga... and the thing with it with all of it is that i don't know... i don't get how we became such islands... how we are all supposed to figure it out by ourselves when our very birth was a collaboration an act of union between male female and those rooting for them, family friends... we are so integrally innately intertwined that we have belly buttons... a cord had to be cut for us to be an individual... 

...and yet the self help will tell us to take on these practices... the tim robbins motivational speakers and modern day know it alls like sadhguru will tell you that you just have to do these three things and if you attend one of their weekend workshops and eventually one of their month long programs and maybe even a subscription to what they say and have to say and how they say then you will figure it out... it will get better... better than better... 

...but what about the fact that we need each other... not just for an occaisonal call or hang... but we need to be with and around each other... that we are medicine for each other and through being together in a real and deep way we learn and grow deeper in our selves... the name of ALLAH... and with all this said... with all the fancy spiritualisms of realizations... what to do about it in a landscape of peace out... see you when i see you... meaning it was good taking this course with you and doing this and that with you... and now it's over... and it is... don't let any of the new age gurus (whether they are white or black as krsna) tell you otherwise... don't let them tell you that their program their services their words their course will do the trick... or help in some way... it won't... it may scratch a surface but there's a lot more... there;s a hell of a hell of a lot more... the lot more is in the fact that individuals are telling you as an individual what to do... indviduals making money off individuals... listen to individuals whon gave up individualism to be part of a deep and meaningful community which incolves real accounability and not signs and words and politics that talk about what they support and what they don't... don't be fooled by the sentimentalism of "the victim" and "the oppressor"... sometimes it is the so called victim thats oppressing... 

...and it makes snese in that it doesn't... none of it really does... except in the Quiet... except in the spaces of deep Quiet... go hang with those who are Quiet... it's the loudest you should avoid... it's the loudest who we always hear about... see in the binary media... it's the loudest who get the airtime... these days loud isn't just a bullhorn and a riot... it is social media... it is those who are skilled at marketing... the loudest can be silent and still loud... 

...Quietness... find those who are Quiet and learn from them... they wont' speak to you about us and thems... you know how i Know?... i spend time with some of the Most Quiet Beings on earth... the trees, the lakes, rivers, gorges... the mountains and desert... you won't hear them saying a word... and yet... they will leave you full... more than full... speechless... and just cause you are also like every single person... experiencing elements doesn't mean you are spending time with elements... to spend time means to pause... to go deep... to really just root and see what happens... 

...everything everyone passes... every trend goes out... every movement fades... and energy is that which cannot be created nor destroyed... so transform the energy of attachment to a false reality to go deeper in the Quiet... to go deeper in compassion... in commitments... in Working to Worship not to be Worshipped... in doing these things on a breath level... every second... one thing at a time... diving in... seeing the folds of water and fish and the beak of the bald eagle as it shoots into the water for seconds from a 100 yards in the sky to catch its prey... notice it all... second to second... 

...all of this requires Trust... Trust that if You do the Work... you will get the feedback You need to move forward... even if this feedback is not what you wanted... even if it is hurtful... be okay with the feedback... because it is Real... move/Work from the spaces between yourself... from that place of deep yogic breath... Connect... and move from here... i the name of ALLAH... the Most Compassionate the Most Merciful... 

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