Wednesday, February 19, 2014

surah xxi: prophets

all praise is due to the 1, the Essence, the Universal...

prophets have walked this earth. prophets through a process of surrender have established communication with Divinity, and in the process of doing so, carried forth their message like the chorus of a song, throughout the millenia - abraham, noah, moses, jesus...

the majority of people rejected the word of the fearless enlightened ones - " The Final Accounting has approached for the people, but, they turned away from the Truth without regard for it." 

the enlightened ones, surah xxi tells us, all had the same message - the One-ness. live life in worship to the One and place no one besides the One.

the battle front, surah xxi tells us has at stake Truth. truth, i have learned from the marriage between militarism and media, is the first casualty of war. it's not an expression i came up with, but have heard from the doers, those shaking corporate scrapers like piggy banks sledged with a hammer.

over-emphasizing the gods of small things has the danger to eclipse the fabric that ties all these together - that which we may not grasp but can observe tangibly - the One-ness. surah xxi repeatedly refers to nature, the sun and the stars and the moon and the earth, as portents, as the signs you need to understand, to make sense of it all, to piece the puzzle. the signs abound.

a tree roots in mud, is sustained by the streams and the rains, is fed by the sun and the heat, is cooled from scorch by the shade of night, reproduces through air. trees breathe. a tree like every form of life on the planet, exists in the nexus of Air Land Liquid Atmosphere Heat, and hence the One-ness of the 5.

surah xxi reminds us to learn from our ancestors, it implies that we visit their graves if we need further evidence in the messages brought forth of the One. my grandfathers (s.a.w), have no use for gold in their graves, nor do they have use for stone statues, nor the djinn that some revered. the djinn are afterall, beings like ourselves. being in awe of difference should be distinguished from worship.

worshipping the Oneness means worshiping ALL, as we, u, me, our mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, aunties, uncles, great uncles, great aunts, great grannies, trees, rivers, mountains, bears, deer, tigers, eagles, monkeys, dolphins, sun, moon... are all part of the One-ness. so bow down to all in recognizing the One-ness we are all connected to. and when you do, when you kneel to the One in the ALL, and when you feel alone and ridiculed and alienated by those of idol-worshipping cultures, whether they be the atheists of babylon, or the muslims, christains, jews, hindus... of babylon, recall that the path of the prophets was a lonely one. 

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