Saturday, March 7, 2015

99 names: al Jabbar: the Compeller

compelled by sensuality, by my senses, by raw cashews with maple syrup, sweet potato fries, kava root tonics, a buzz, a shorty to affirm me, to give me tlc, call and text and care about what i do, who i am, i move further away from the Compeller...

prayer, bowing down in Surrender, in genuine letting go of this, prioritizing salat, during prescribed times evidenced by the mathematics of orbit, of sun and planetary equations, will get you there, will get me there.

there, is away from the senses, away from the illusion that it'll taste so good if i have just one more bite, it'd be so smooth if she hollers at my holler.  there is away from disguises placed by the need to compel, to be of value, to be marketable, to have a compeller-complex - to become an idol. 

there is safety, the blanket that keeps you silent to atrocities, becuase it's easier to soothe-say, to pretend bombs and lies are not happening, to be down by way of clothes, shoes, food-choices, drugs, words, politics, even when every bit of it is keeping you tossing and turning day and night. you know...

we  compel by aligning with the Compeller, by working through the Compeller, by maintianing focus, by maintiaining a steady position of surrender in every moment, in getting up to pray in the middle of a conversation - excuse me sis, the sun is bowing and i will take some time to bow with it...

we compel real by connecting with Real and real recognize real, for real...

we compel by growing deeper in our path, in our Purpose, by doing, by being of service, by maintianing warrior code, pushing it so that it is never plastic, never a brick building, but always malleable, always supple in our stance...time for bed, maybe we could chill in the day...

although you may find yourself in a less than ideal circumstace you have agency, as the Compeller is always there, so long as you let yourSelf be compelled - sit and meditate at the club or the train, drink water instead of wine, speak little even if it creates silences...your discomfort with it is an opportunity to pause and get deeper in the question - who/what is compelling you...

wherever circumstance leaves you, maintain Surrender by asking yourself what/who is compelling me? if your answer is the dripping of your tongue, even after your stomach is more than a third filled, if your answer is the affirmation of ego for feeling wanted by a pretty little something, if your answer is laying around in bed feels so good though...then your compeller is your rajasic being, your lowest i, the same i that gives birth to alcolhism, sexaholism, pot-headism, ego-centrism...

leave early, draw your lines clear for yourSelf, as laid forth by the Compeller who makes your Purpose clear and invite others to partake if they want to continue to hang...if not, peace and love and prayers and inshALLAH our paths will cross again.

...those who are compelled by your Surrender to the Compeller will get down with you, and even if they don't their true Self will recognize You. always homie, bhaiya, sis, king, kin, divinity...your truth has a compass and points with great magnetism towards the Compeller, if only you get out of the way, if only you take off the watch and chains and gold and levis and lugz...bow down...get deeper in your tree asana...

...bow down in your udvha mukah scwasana, in your it compelled not by the audience in your room who may wow or jeer, but by the Compeller...your task is know what to do...

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