Saturday, March 28, 2015

99 names: al Mutakabbir: Greatness

audzubillahe minash shaitauner rajeem, bismillah hiRahman niRahim...

al Mutakabbir means the Greatest, Greatness, the  Majestic....what does it mean to be Great? when was the last time you felt Great? go beyond your ego for a sec, and really get to that space of what made you feel great. 

al Mutakabbir means the sum total of all Greatness, of every moment of Great. what is a moment of not Great? 

haven't been feeling great today...body desires bed, mind desires places and people that are fantasy, that are accompanied by shoulds...where i should be at this stage of life...who i should be with...what i should be doing...or...what is not happening and why and how i need to, and how i am not, and forming judegements on others who are not helping me make this happen...inaction is a seed that harvests zombie crops...

felt great thursday morning, when i was up at 5:30, when i was done with bathroom, fajr, asana, shower, by 7:30. felt great because there was a ritual that anchored me into the day, that recalled my purpose, and that was pushed beyond the rote it could lend itself to, by presence, by going deeper in uttansana and parvotonasana, by holding lower my head while erecting deeper my spine in prayer...

thursday, daytime, post-morning rituals, felt great because i maintained an empty in my body. instead of overconsuming oats and nuts and all, i sat with my belly only a third full, and with a charge of black coffee, was engaged in presence...thursday's lecture on the shoulder girdle, on the spinous process and other landmarks of the scapula felt great in my mind, because i was engaging through self-palpation, moving into asana when there were moments of too much information, engaging in genuine dialogue and exploration on these parts, by listening, by trying out, by being proactive, by avoiding the game of pretending to not care, to wait for someone to choose me to work with, to spiral downward into self-defeat when this didn't occur...

greatness for me occurs when i am doing, when i am actively engaged in discipline, in ritual, in more than just rote, when i am taking charge of my life by being a Lover of al Mutakabbir in all i engage with...greatness for me is when i am anchored and focused on Purpose by way of these rituals that grow my purpose, by being dynamic in these rituals to move beyond stagnancy, by being present and proactive in listening, in maintaining Quiet, in drawing boundaries, in giving love, in recalling that i am a traveler in this spaceship with the grave right beside me...

al Mutakabbir resides in the space between before birth and after corpse...

right now, this nanosecond, a child is ushered out of the mother spaceship by a midwife in karnataka, eyes opening to the blinding light of Mutakabbir

where did this new life come from? was it just sperm and egg that gave rise to this being which cries, laughs, grows, teeths, talks...? is it new life? what makes it new? what is new?

who/what molded this creature to have arms and legs and a mouth and a control center to activate different parts of its little body? 

where does the intelligence of meiosis and mitosis, of chromsomal separation, arrangement, dna transcription into rna, rna orchestration of amino chains..derive from???

how is it that every life form, be it man or lizard, marine life or arthropods share this very process? what separates us? 

what were we before this manifestation of human being? 

at  this very moment in guantanamo, the prison obama promised to shut down, a bearded man is being trampled to death by military boots, just as he bows to al Mutakabbir with arms and legs chained, head hooded with an orange covering with only two slits (reminiscent of kkk hoods), strung on by brown, black, yellow, white soldiers....

at this very moment, the age of liberation politics is rotting in a cell quietly in attica, in solitary confinement...

at this very moment a factory worker in dhaka coughs asbestos out till she spins and collapses on the h and m floor for the last time...

what happens next? what happens when the body stiffens releases the last wind of air from its nostrils?

al Mutakabbir


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