Saturday, May 9, 2015

full moon: may 2015

all praise is due to the Essence of life, the Guide...

...the One, known only through the secret science of 0...

...the mathematics taught by the prophet muhammad and recognized by the higher I of everyone from the arabian peninsula, to the abysinnians of ethiopia, eritrea, somalia, kenya, to the sumerians, persians, egyptians, nubians, moors, berbers, saharans, dogon, namibians, through the north and east of turks, mongols, chechs, hindustanis, ughurs, javese...

...mass enlightenments/conversions with the metaphorical sword of Higher, from the land and peoples who brought to the world khemetics, zorostrianism, judaism, christianity...why? 

...there must be something to this grassroots knowledge that has no picture to bow to, no idol to worship, no symbol of an ethnicity or a suffering, but of the universal signs - moon n sun (star), no belief to suspend disbelief for...

...only this, only acceptance of what is - there is no Essence, but Essence, no Energy but Energy, that which is always, that which cannot be created nor destroyed...

...the Guide is my intention for this month, is the  One that replaces the i of this man who is in the way of himself...this month, the letting go is more than just getting away from perfection and trying things out through circumstantial structures, through being a conduit, instead of getting all the pieces in, instead of getting it right, instead of doing randomly, letting go of the critic, the judge, the lower i of just practice, of just being a conduit, by being of service with what it is i know, have had the privilege of getting deeper with...

..what gifts have you been bestowed with young? a beautiful voice? acute observations? illustrating the world outside your window through words? hands that heal? cullinary concoctions that leave diners cured of... Higher, and offer up your gifts, see what happens, worry about the money later, it will, offer this gift you've been bestowed with, that, thay you have cultivated, that you have spent life time energy groing...offer it, because the world needs you kin, needs me, needs balance, for more than just today, and this year and lifetime...the world needs this Gift as part of a conversation with the past, present and future...

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