Monday, May 1, 2017

re-engineering your habits

everything is habit.

focus on one goal a month...
discipline yourself to get there
-mono focus

turn your shoulds into musts
musts = your standards
your standards =your storyline
your standard is what you've come to believe about who you are
who you are is bendable, transformable
what are your standards/storyline on relationships, money, etc.?

your standards of what you would like your standards to be (on whatever issue), can be raised
standards get raised by spontanaiety
omar ali shah calls this deliberate circumstance
that is, if i want to be immersed in yoga that is dynamic and unpredictable, i will work in a yoga studio with a yoga community

you have to be clear on what you want,
otherwise, what are you working towards
the end never ends, so your goals are just a rite of passage into the next level

compete with yourSelf
compete with the best you can be
what is the best you can reading, writing, medicine, bodywork, food, diet, movement, lover???

you see what you focus on...
if you believe everyone hates you because you are brown like me, you will see this
for instance, if i tell you to look up from your computer and look for everything that is brown in the room, you will find brown more than any other color, in fact, you may barely notice the other colors...
this is the power of focus...which wolf will you feed? what do you choose to focus on?

love is more than a feeling
love is an action
show instead of telling
do instead of talking
applied to medicine man - i'm making medicine, picking, planting herbs, treating folks

1. choose an area you would like to improve in (i.e. career, relationship, etc)
2. what habits keep you in your current state?
3. what's your vision/goal for this?
4. what habits can get you there?

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