Sunday, September 17, 2017

fast day 9 autumn 2017: completion

...schools, classes, circumstance creates/instills institutional bonds, mandatory social interaction, a potentially beautiful coercion...this can be work, a course, a program, a band, an organization...

lone-gun-menship leads you to maintaining loner-ism...loner-ism leaves you apart from the puzzle...from being part of the resolve of this human condition...

...what is the human condition? is the poetry of those who feel so much their kitchori leaves others in tears...leaves them in laughter, in joy and pain, as is the case with ammu's meals - joy and pain...

..the human condition is as varied as the diversity of life on planet earth...but seems like there are some binds - feels like there is some pain we are pain and your pain...however dis-similar, is pain, is an experience, leads us to hang our heads low, slip into existential quagmire... i write, kids, men, women in syria r being slaughtered, bombs dropped on them, in the name of stopping terrorism, we are annhilating entire cultures, peoples, ways of life...

...we meaning me and you...

...not in jail...whew...not in the hospital...not crippled...not homeless...not without family and friends...and yet... the conclusion of this fast, i realize the centrality of joy and pain in the life of humans, in my i seek joy and avoid pain...and yet, also understanding that pain is possible because of the joy i seek...

...if joy is in seeing someone, in being in their presence, in holding them, in taking strolls with them...then what happens when they are not around for this, what if/when they can't hang, or hold, or has others they are doing this with instead...then pain...then hurt...we become children...we've learned co-dependence instead of interdependence... interdependence, nothing happens alone, work is bee-hive, community, and yet, there is independence in your duty, in collecting honey, pollen, in doing your duties to the maintain focus, regardless of whether you will live or do for the cause...

..what is the cause?...what is your cause...?... cause is to re-establish ancient-mathematics, tribal relations, build tribe, build community, sustain community, through this medicine...through writing, and herbs, and movement... the conclusion of this fast, this deeply emotional fast, in the shedding of weight, and past lives, in the growth of weakness in the ana-maya-kosha, i realize the importance of unconditional Love, of presence, of work as worship, as the prophet said...i realize the importance of being meditative in the movement of moment to moment...shhh...of commitment to a place, and people, to grow deeper in the work...i realize the importance of complete honesty...from the inside out...of being honest with Self... my hanging out with you for you or for me? we/i seek out pleasure like an addict seeks heroin? i hanging with you because it makes me feel good or it makes you feel good?...been contemplating this question, based on the questions and teachings of goenka-ji of vipassana...

...this past week of fasting has made clear the importance of meditation, of reserved meditation, but also the moment to moment... my daily asana practice, a non-negotiable that takes me applying these principles off the mat...of doing this in my medicine making...letting myself grow deep through the practice...just as i did after the initial teachings i received in india...growing deeper over the years...just as i have begun to with prayer, learning more surahs, learning to apply vinyasa to exchanging in the marketplace - medicines, courses, clients, cooking food as medicine for others to support their cleaning, their deeper sharing growing deeper in these writings...

...asana is a discipline...and things happen in the practice...apply this practice to the areas you are working on growing in...if you are healthy...what is the purpose of you being healthy? what r u doing with it? how r u using your health?...

...create the institutional circumstance to ensure your movement it with equanimity, with understanding that each moment is potentially deeply emotional that can be ama, that can be stuck and glue in your brain and emotions and body, or it can be a breath that you take in, appreciate, and release...

...appreciate and let go...remember...muhammad (s.a.w) is dead, ALLAH is Infinite (-abu bakr)...

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