Sunday, May 5, 2019

...ramadhan intentions...

...all praise is due... ramadhan is upon us... the number 9... the return... going back, re -coalesence... why... how... what's different?...

...last night... at the cafe... one friend asked another how his smoke-drink was going... he was sharing how he has it down... or mostly... just a week ago he was practicing in front of me... it made me wonder about progress... how am i making progress in my art?... in my life...?... dad says to walk back... 10 years... walk through your past 10 years... and ask yourself what you have done... haven't... thing he... my dad... shared upon my brother discussing his work with bees... harvesting the honey... etc... single-minded focus leads to success...

...single mindedly... what are you doing?... if you are single-mindedly watching t.v... you are getting more acclimated to this in body and mind...

...i have been a bit more single-minded in pinchamyurasana, dwi-pada-shirasasana, and handstand practice... this has been yielding better results... i warm up... and then focus on these asanas... and the prepratory asanas...

...single minded focus... i single minded focus in writing daily... but there is little progress... why?... that's the question... i think the answer is that in order to be meaningful in single minded focus... you have to be reaching for something... you have to be aiming higher than you already are... you have to play with the players... my writing... reaching higher would mean working on conflict... on contrast of goals between characters... in delving in this arena to story tell... herbal blends... i have to blend... and try these blends... i have to use singles and support people in their process... to account for change in their life... to see if it's working or not...

...progress... do i use the Knowledge You have given me ALLAH?... how do i grow... progress?... brother - 1-who-Knows-ALLAH sent me a text yesterday... a hadith... something to the effect of how the prophet was gifted a slaughtered sheep... he shared it with his friends... and the poor... leaving only the neck for him and his family.... when one of his family members mentioned this... that we only have the neck... he said no... we have everything else...

...all praise is due... so how do i give more?... how do i grow more giving without being torn apart?... how do i Love deeper?
... last year - how do i fall in Love with You...
response: through Connection... how do i Connect... by being in community... by being present/in service to others/Creation...
how do i do this? i then asked
response: through surrender...
how do I surrender?
response: through putting your head to the ground... letting go of the ego... sacrifice...

...this year... i ask... if i Know that to fall in Love with You... i need to Connect with Your Creation, by being in service... by meaningful interaction... by being in community... and doing this through keeping humble... how do i do this with what i know... what i have spent time crafting? my medicinal practices - writing, yoga, herbs, food, bodywork... practices...?...

...i think the answer may be to share... but how do i share in a way that also sustains me?... krsna says to act from a place of duty without looking for/expecting fruits for your action...

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