Thursday, May 2, 2019

...comfort zone...

...where are you most comfortable?... no... actually... what i mean is where are you most complacent?...

... i have been hearing that life begins at the end of your comfort zone... do you hear that? feel that?... i do... i feel that in my yoga practice... work towards more control in press-ups, i watched a video that this guy did on youtube, showing several different types of push-ups... i've done almost all of them, but only actively do a few... the ones i'd like to incorporate are: finger pushups, side to side's, pike push-ups, downward dog pushups, shoulder taps.... leave your comfort zone you have to embrace what you are afraid of with a next... next level... and focus 1000 with it... and be okay with falling... and get to that point where you almost fall, and when you do... get back up and do it again... and do this for a period of time... and then share it... make sure you are in a circumstance of sharing/publishing/connecting...

...of course Connection is an intrinsic process and what your left hand does yur right hand shouldn't know about... with that said... and believed... we live in a world of mulitilplicty, woth many many other beings - people, other relative-animals, etc... how are we connecting with one another?... comfort zones are the cafe... i love coming to the cafe and haicing my reward - chilling, saying what's up to folk, having an immediated opp to connect, without being tied into an obligatory hang out, in which we have to do something that is not creative... that is, i can still engage in my writing, in sipping healthy bouts of matcha latte... and you know...

...and this could be beautiful... except it is keeping me from spending time in other areas of my life like making medicine, like making moves in housing, in socializing or being in social scenarios that will help me stay Connected with others... meet others, etc... cafe experience could be propelled by doing a dedicated hour of writing, in which i am there only to write and do a dose of this... and then immediately share it... or get into a spavce of publishing it... this would up the ante... and what would up the ante even more is if i were to puvlish or submit it that night... and that it would help... that it would serve others somehow... comfort zone is being in a space of clutter, of putting off decluttering until i get the perfect schema for getting rid of these things... of selling them... of doing this fundraiser... but in the process i haven't done antyhign with them... they are sitting and crowiding me into a tip toe... i relocated back here in september 2018... it is may 2019... a while ago... the space i reside in has only grown in clutter... i've done little with all the medicine i have... and if i were to die today, i would wonder why i didn't do anything with all these resources i have... leave my comfort zone... to really get out of being okay with hoards of stuff... i would need to dedicate a specified amount of time daily to declutter... to put things up on ebay... to see if i could delegate this task to someone else... is there anyone out there that sells your stuff for you?... leave my comfort zone in decluttering i need to Work on making medicine and to up the ante on this take orders... to put them up on my site... to attend fairs/conferences in which i sell them... what i've learned is that it is not enough to buy stuff... you can have a guitar, but if you aren't taking the time to play, to grow deeper in your craft... if you aren't upping the ante by doing shows... you aren't getting feedback... and in turn, you are staying a scrub... i want to be playing on stage with rush, metallica, for nas, mos, alanis morisette, bjork... i want to be in conversation with naguib mahfouz and sylvia plath in my writings...

...have a launch party... autonomedia... d.i.y... set up shop somewhere... take orders... people have been asking for this... i have... i want to self-Actualize... it will appeal to those on the path of spirit... leave my comfort zone in yoga... take classes with eminent teachers... go harder in practice ... put my work out through instagram... lead classes to Connect...

... panchakarma... the panchakarma healing center ... sign folk up and take a non-refundable deposit... leave my comfort zone in writing - publish... enter contests... do it now... have an accountability partner... leave my comfort zone in marriage... get in front of her... consistently... carve time for this... 

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