Sunday, September 8, 2019

...tarot: page of cups...9.8.19...

...the page stands before the sea... waves... ripples... tides perhaps...a sign may lie in the fish that appears to be coming out of his cup... what is the sign?... one could've predicted it... the three days into the future of sept 11 2001... perhaps some could've... what did tarot readers of the time say? astrologers?... those who claim to know things before hand?...

...sept 8th... tarot... a way to look into self... into patterns... i was a library page for years... shelving books... retreating into the stacks... imagining reading all the books... getting giant in knowledge... in knowing everything... the page in the emblem in the books we stacked was a mohawk indian... bowing... to a renassaince era woman... one but One...

...the page carries out local duties... administrative work that needs to get done... that requires some manual labor some intellect...

...the page in water the symbolism of the cup... a bearer and embodying water... intuition... feelings... emotional landscapes... what are yours...?... the cup gives rise to a fish... an unexpected occurrence... unusual... creative... scary...

...where Love lies... fear is close... hence the constant reminder to fear the 1ness in al Qur'an... the fear is the trepidation you experience with a new lover...  the longing... the uncertainty... the being in an ocean drifting and yet breathing... can you draw newness into your life?... how can you be more in a state of butterflies???... what will surprise you?... may believe surprise cannot be constructed... but what if i told you it can...?... what if i told you that if you put yourself in the circumstance... surprise is inevitable... embrace the fear... he scariness... it will happen...

...putting out the novel... the High Frequency diet for an elevated world to communicate with worm holes... seasonal foods... organic... from the c.s.a...

...taking orders...

...the school...

...the marriage...

...the house...

...the tour... will happen... if you set the date... make the announcement... book the parts involved... surprise...!!!... 

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