Saturday, December 5, 2020

...12.5.20.. ruminations the name of.......... as a rose by whatever name is a rose... an the messages of those who Seek are beginning to sound more resonant... echoes... and in babylon this conveys through self-help books, every day someone is writing one to get out a hack, to share something that could be useful and thats beautiful ... but aslo to survive to thrive in the babylon sense... to have money and houses and glitter n be okay... babylon success... responsible to yourself osho's says... and of course in the sufi tradition this would mean responsible to Self... and when you take away the body and the mind.. .there is only You.. and this can only be know through experience... i wouldn't discount nor negate belief as osho does... i think it is beautiful... but i personally se the importance to use your experience to observe them as the laboratory for Self Realization to let loose the clutches of chains you have taken on that tether you to jobs you don't believe in that keep your throat chakra locked to what is okay to say - it is okay to now say black lives matter but dont you dare say free palestine... that is not ok... hence nike and j.c penny and nbc can have b.l.m signs and messages when they had not interest a couple fo years ago... and some how this absolves them of their institutional play at exploitation hierarchies... apartheids... etc... what is unpopular... including with so called progressive movements that you may have disagreements with ...don't be afraid to disagree for fear of a backlash for fear of being called racist or homophobic or classist or elitist ...  modernity and forward thinking don't mean progress or evolution in fact it could mean devolution as we are seeing how we have become a pronounced culture... of how we are offering plastics and disposables in restaurants in place of glasses to address covid... 

...somehow we are missing the mark... in my estimation... somehow if we believe in this thing that they are calling a pandemic than wouldn't we want to reevaluate how we have engaged with our earth and other species?... especially if these viruses have been zootonic... isn't it an opp to not go back to business as usual... of course it isn't biz as usual... it is heightened babylon... screens in your face all day everyday... 

...what's the advice of a medicine man?... meditate in the vipassana tradition - as taught by buddha... and shared by goenka-ji... do the surgery of inner self... observe your body and mind and emotions and let go... come into witness consciousness and in being so Be come who you Really are... 

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