Monday, September 6, 2021 moon... 9.6.21...


...she played in h living room, dropping her index and middle fingers hard on the d a c minors, her ring and pink held up like the handstand i was doing in my vinyasa catching glimpses of our second break up, another another... screaming gloria... G L O R I A... as i walked out of her place in the morning dew of cabs and ubers dropping off bachelors and bachelorettes coming home from a night of hope, their lovers clinging to the close of their eyes as they dreamily walked through me... me an apparition in the streets of memories that haunt these hauntings of stores closed and whispering the shouts of dean and his boys, sonny and his gang, jack and j walking up and down steinway booming... i was glad to be away from them... spooked their past with the wisdom of age... of being surrendered by the guillotine of age... 

...i'm on your side even though it's over... and i walk out in peace, the door closes but it's a really a swivel that i walk in and out of living and bedrooms kitchens and showers only to really see what your life is like... wanting to know you more than the kisses that plague the lips of our cells with the mongrels of media that strike chords of man made fears and yet are heedless in their arrogance towards the One... readily regime changing and dropping the mother of bombs on a people and their history until they like us are fragmented... without village or community they are ripe for the modern we are  drugs alcohol sex and nihilistic music addiction... 

...its's a new moon and the luminosity of possibility rings in the closures of flings that this time drop feedback slips in my ears for me to transmute the pattern of man made in china and factories in dhaka... i'd rather wear the torn jeans from the salvo on elmira road... on tuesdays they have half off blue tags but i was there on wednesday and fell in love with the vegan down and it reminds me that i want to no longer wear suede or leather or hav anything to do with that industry and instead of telling you what is bad or good i want to grow deeper in my love for veggies and soil...

...and the new moon holds with it the promises of the past full moon when i put forth intentions for harvest... it is time... to harvest... as this season requires... which means sharing what i've planted - medicine kits, yoga courses, clinics... writings... and more... in the less... the name of ALLAH... 

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