Thursday, March 23, 2023

worm moon 2023

 ...march worms like a lion lost in the caged wilderness of american zoos trapping trap music to lead a migration into a chaotic lust for anything that moves dopamine from dormant neural cells to a rapid fire like the mass shooting in uvalve texas, in parkside florida, in community centers in northern cali during chinese new year... something exciting about hearing hysteria... why?... americana that plays through the synergy of the most affluent and most marginalized communities in nyc... in those who toot their own song of philanthropy or victimhood of oil rich or hood rich, both engaged in terrorizing regions of people plants other species... looking for the portrait of hero hood and fame in the name of people... 

...the one man show dominates... holds gradation... some are extreme with it... some are tucked into triple layers of manipulation... 

...why do i mention this...?... in others a mirror... in the questions is the fragrance of the flower... the map lines to the island lie in the scent you smell... in the turmoil i experience, the judgement, the hurt, the disappointment, lies the Truth... the answers... 

...the problem is the Gift and this lesson of the Qur'an, the prophet, rumi, hafez... the teachings of those on a path that i've read, recited, quoted, becomes clear... starkingly so this full moon, today... 

...these last few days... what a Gift to be thrown off the rigamarole of nonsensical complacency in the norm, in staying in a lane that is safe enough for now, that relinquishes responsibility to hide, to staying hidden... the problem is income, is sustainability, is wasting time, not making of this time what would be beneficial to life, to me, to mother father wife brothers kids... the name of ALLAH... the lesson is to embrace discomfort deeper in diet, in movement, in practices - cooking, yoga, writing... in the area of obstacle - monetizing, having sustainable economics... the problem of how to ensure others benefit from my Work and i benefit from there's... of going deeper into the Lover for what arises when i feel criticized, hurt... instead... approach it with how to Love deeper through asking what is the opportunity here? what is the Gift i am being presented with? instead of embarasment, instead of in the way, instead of annoyance... breathe into the Lover and embrace the Gift... 

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