Thursday, October 23, 2014

99 names: al Qudus: the Most Pure

pure is the word of the Essence, impeccable like the full moon and the dawn sky, like the blanket of stars painted in twinkle on the fabric of midnight. 

i know pure the way i know light, cause of darkness, cause of what is impure, cause of the revelation i had this week, during prayer (grappled with it in part ii, iii, iv, v of al Quddus).

the dictionary defines pure as free from anything inferior, or contaminating, like pure himalayan water free of plastic bottles and industrial sewage; pure gold found as dust particles in angolan caves, like a pure science. pure is defined as an absolute, utterly, like the rustle of leaves in the forest without highway rumble, honks and engines, of any kind.

pure is to be free of discordance, which would mean to be in tune, in pure Harmony with the One. how do our actions, our engagement with the world reflect this Harmony?
pure is to be independent of the senses, of contaminating experiences that we rack in seeking experience, in seeking to consume the ecstasy of newness.  absolute; utter; sheer: to sing for pure joy.
pure is the word of ALLAH.

the word of ALLAH is in the language of pure - Quiet. true surrenderers, yogis, know this.

real yogi’s move in Quiet. killers move in silence. silence is shattering, carries the weight of murder, mayhem, hurt, guilt. the word of Air Land Liquid Atmosphere Heat never lies, is as pure as swiss snow, and as dark as cocaine on the noses of wall street moguls and hip hop rock stars. 

ALLAH's word occupies paradigm, as it is truth, the Great Balance. truth leads to truth, more roads, more highways, more vehicles, more asthma, more lung cancer. the word of the Essence is as impeccable as migraines, and aids, and obesity. 

the truth of the Oneness is a mathematic, and the algebraics, no matter how compounded the polynomials, always adds up to a pure truth. this is the promise of the One - for every action, a reaction, for every cause, an effect – karma.

the wrath of tsunamis and floods, is karma - using the ocean and sky as dumping grounds reveals consequence.

move with love that is Love, from a place of pure, from a place of sanctity, from the algebra of Air Land Liquid Atmosphere Heat. 

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