Tuesday, June 27, 2017

eid 2017 summer solstice revolution

...all praise is due...give thanks and praise for ramadhan, for this month of surrender, of shutting down babylon, engaging in non-attachment from the senses, to work from the place of witness, from Source, from the Seer...watch this body through time and space, run without fuel, sweat through vinyasas, only to have greater energy an hour later, to feel Closer...

ramadhan 2017 was ant once an act of commune with others, with those closest to me, and those i only met for the first and last time in the indonesian, bosnian, guniean...mosques i attended for prayer, for surrender, for concluding another day together and watching, witnessing the senses re-engage, disengage, let go...

powerful to prostrate...this ramadhan, my head came down more, body dissolved more, energy grew Higher...and then, at the end...a day of commemoration, eid ul fitr...

at the end, at day of conclusion, the bangli-brother-preacher at the house of Essence, said that eid was like graduation...we were graduating, as if from a program, he said...

...led me into a deep ascension, spiraling into this analogy in the constant space of studies in my own life, studies that culminate into a big day that has more often than not been anti-climactic...celebration and then poof, gone...all the people you came to know, gone, no longer sharing space...you  are left on your own, like high school graduation, like college...the institutions that kept you in bond are gone, and you are left to your own devices, to fend for yourself in the cold world...

...but this time i received a coat, a soof, the shawl of poets of ancient mathematics...a covering unlike the ana/prana/vijana...maya-koshas - a sheath that is based on the lessons of this degree of ramadhan 2017...

how are you using your lessons from this doctoral program you have just completed? what were your lessons? how can you now apply them, now that you have this diploma?

my lessons were that i am neither this body nor this mind - both are changeable...both are impermanent, both have gone through changes, both have suffered from a sense of attachment, both have maintained a cage due to believing in something that is not real...

my lessons derived from this, is that i can go much deeper, walk on air, reposition my body into spaces i reserve for others that are not who i've come to identify as me (the restricted self)...

that is, the lesson in witnessing from a place of Witness, leaves me less attached to the sense of pain and gasp and fear that leaves me panting...instead, i can breathe in equanimity into a pose, witness the pain, and breathe deeper, instead of growing anxious...hanuman, legs behind my head, middle split...

...the lesson is that if i am Witness, than to maintain a state of Witness, i must stay humble, through giving...ramadhan keeps us in a state of Surrender through giving up of the anamyakosha - the food body...the key is to give - giving liberates you from the chains of the body...giving keeps you from attaching to that which is maya...giving keeps you in a space of doing, of being fruitful, of supporting the balance...

...this diploma of ramadhan 2017 has left me in a space of asana that is without restriction because pain is annicha...has left me in a space of non-attachment to food-sensations that are less than sattvic - thus, no-flesh, and foods prepared with love, with minimal processing, cooking at a temperature that is like the touch of the sun.....has left me bowing down as a ritual to stay in reminder, in humility, that i am neither this body nor mind, and thus Surrendering both 5 times a day....has left me with reading sattvic texts on spins - qur'an, gita, yoga sutras, bible, torah...has left me in a state of zakat - giving towards deeper homeostasis, as money is not a ball and chain, but just paper, and the space from senses, the space of Witness, allows perspective on that which is Real, and actualizing that which is Real by giving...leaving me in zakat, not just in money, but in making happen what has to happen in my offerings through the pursuits i've engaged in, not for my glory, but to be in a space of Glory, and doing this through the therapy of yogum (asana, breath, meditation, yama, niyama, panchamayakosha), of herbal medicine, and nutrition, to heal the blind and raise the dead, to mind the belly into a space of cosmos instead of being a graveyard...has left me in a space of risks for the common good, as they are fleeting, and lead to new possibilities...and nothing to grow attached to...

...all praise is due for this degree...that i take with me in this new revolution around the sun, in my sun cycle, closely paired with the position of the summer solstice - to give...through non-attachment and risk...

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